Gayer Gamer banned from XBL


Shared on Tue, 05/20/2008 - 11:47

There have been a handful of blogs here recently about gay marriage and same-sex couples. But what about simply labeling oneself as gay - is that really offensive? According to the Xbox Live community, yes it is.

The Consumerist printed this letter from Grant, no longer theGAYERgamer:


I have had a bad morning. Last night when i tried to sign into my xbox live account "thegayergamer" I was told that it had to be changed. I figured that it was just from people reporting it as an offensive name being that the greater Xbox live community isn't exactly welcome to gay people, i spend a lot of time muting people on Halo3. I assumed that once i called Microsoft they would straighten things out.

I talked to a supervisor there, Roxy, who told me that she didn't personally find the fact that my gamer tag had gay in the name offensive, but that the greater Xbox community did, so i would have to change it. I hope I'm not the only person who finds this don't ask, don't tell policy disgusting... eek

From Grant, thegayergamer

I'm going to steer clear of the "biology vs. choice" argument because I honestly don't know and don't care. If somebody is gay, they're gay. But if you've ever sat through a Halo session with Timmies (which I assume is why we're all here on this site) you've heard "gay," "faggot," "homo," "queer," or some other colorful or expletive laced derivitive involving one's rectum. And it's that same community who determined that a gayer gamer is "offensive."


Hetfield's picture
Submitted by Hetfield on Tue, 05/20/2008 - 13:44
What did that person really think was gonna happen? I mean come on. Don't you think that person was just asking for problems with a GT like that? Just seems kinda stupid to me. Don't get me wrong, whatever floats your boat, You know? But really....
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Tue, 05/20/2008 - 12:00
I saw this same story, but I didn't read it the same way. I took it as MS having a blanket policy that you can't use the word "Gay" in a gamertag so that the homophobes wouldn't come up with offensive tags. With millions of users It would be too labor-intensive to make subjective judgements on which tags using the word are appropriate and which ones aren't - So they all get banned. I think this story is being spun in a negative direction (not by you though)
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Tue, 05/20/2008 - 12:06
MS does not have a blanket policy. If enough people (the community) complain about your tag, they suspend it. Ask SoupNazi about that.....
JPNor's picture
Submitted by JPNor on Tue, 05/20/2008 - 12:08
I hadn't thought of it in that way, and Consumerist certainly has a way of printing most stories to make the larger corporations look bad. My primary reason for posting it here is the irony - timmies complaining about something gay. But I definitely can't criticize MS for it - they receive thousands of similar complaints a day and just let automated procedures take care of it.
SamuraiCoder's picture
Submitted by SamuraiCoder on Tue, 05/20/2008 - 12:58
I doubt it was the timmies complaining in this case. They would just say "damn right". As you point out, they are free with derogatory expletives concerning sexual preference. It just shows their lack of imagination (or education). TDrag may have the best point. Take it further. If you are allowed to have "gay" in your gamer tag, what is to stop someone from using "GaySlayer" or something. That's borderline hate crime. It's tough when you have to set your rules based on the most primitive participants but it probably solves more problems right from the get go.

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