Shared on Mon, 01/24/2011 - 09:46Dear Mother Nature,
You, my friend, are a filthy whore. Enough already. I have three feet of snow in my backyard, and that is just from the last two weeks. And now you're coming back with another major storm in two days? Fuck you.
Yesterday, I brushed all the snow off my car from Friday's dusting. I call it a dusting because it was only a couple inches instead of the 10-15 inches you poured on us in each of the last couple storms. I'm just glad I didn't have to do it this morning. Why? Because I turned on my key and looked at the climate control:
Since you won't give me even an ounce of light at 6:15 in the morning, I had to use the flash on my camera, hence the glare. But you are reading it correctly - 9 degrees below zero. Apparently, 13-year-old Cadillacs do not work very well in weather this cold. It started, idled for a moment and shut off, and I couldn't start it again. Do I have to wait for you to give me positive temperatures before I can even get it started again? Again, fuck you.
Well, at least it's warm in my house. I didn't want to go anywhere yesterday, so I took advantage of my indoor time to get caught up on video games. I played Black Ops for a little while in the morning and I'm enjoying it. I also finally made some real progress with Rock Band 3. CrypticCat saw me log on so we jammed out for a bit. Overall I'm finding my groove again and I'm getting back to at completing everything on hard with at least 4 stars. I had some difficulties with Cherub Rock, failing out at 10% - booooo - but I was way off on the timing of the notes in the intro. We also made it 60% through Green Grass and High Tides before our fingers went numb.
I spent a couple hours in the evening playing through the road challenges and was pleasantly surprised at one of the stops:
I'm sure if you live in New York, Las Vegas or City 17 you're used to seeing your home in a video game. As far as I know, this is the first time ManchVegas has ever been represented in a major video game, though. But they made a mistake in calling it the "Wicked Awesome Trip" and not the "Mother Fucking Nature Freezes Your Nuts Off Trip."
In conclusion, please lighten up. I don't know what we New Englanders did to you to deserve this torture, but please have a heart. I can't take much more of this.
- JPNor's blog
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Submitted by CrypticCat on Mon, 01/24/2011 - 11:05