PAX / GGW / I am a boob.


Shared on Fri, 01/28/2011 - 13:21

Waterborn contacted me a while ago regarding shooting some video at PAX East. Over the last few months I've been hit with a very heavy dose of real life, and now it seems that every waking hour I'm either at the office or working on home renovations in preparation of the new baby. As extremely interested as I am, I know that I won't have any time to prepare for it and I also know I'll be out of town that weekend. Between PAX East during the day and the Gamers Gone Wild party at night, I had all but convinced myself there was no way it could happen.

I'm also a boob who doesn't read the fine print - I thought the party was on Saturday, when I'll be out of town; actually it's Friday night, so while I still have a 35-pound living breathing responsibility that night, I'm still close by.

It's hard enough to get a babysitter during the week because of where I live, and even harder to get a babysitter into the wee hours of the evening. Also I am probably going to have to call in some significant favors later on in the month, when I'll be in Denver for a couple days; trying to work this out and disappear to Boston to booze on a Friday night is not going to be easy.

But there is still a glimmer of hope. And I REALLY want to go - last year I had my video equipment but no real goal or aim, and most of the video I took was hard to organize as it wasn't much more than random people drinking and playing video games. If I was to go this year I'd like to shoot some usable footage as a way of really documenting the evening and showing the rest of the 2old2play community what they're missing.

Of the 20-ish minutes of video I took last year, the following two videos were fun and have been well-received:

 Anyone else in greater Boston stuck with their kids March 11th? Want to watch mine?


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