Shared on Sun, 05/03/2009 - 14:12Fanboys is probably more well-known for its development history than for the movie itself. That's not to say it's very well-known - in fact, it's kind of surprising that it slipped under the radar in mainstream cinema.
The development history primarily involves a conflict between the original cut of the movie, the Weinsteins, and fans of the soon-to-be film. Fanboys tracks a group of nerds trekking from Ohio to California in 1998, resolute on stealing a rough cut of Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace months before its theatrical release. The decision is made when the main character, Eric, learns that his friend Linus has cancer and the prognosis is not good - producer Harvey Weinstein, however, felt this detracted from the film's otherwise "feel-good" script and ordered a number of edits and even some scenes to be re-shot. When the real fanboys learned this they threatened to boycott the Weinsteins' Superhero Movie (as if Superhero Movie would have destroyed box ofice records otherwise).
Well, the final cut is due on DVD in June and fortunately it is intact - depressing subplot and all. And despite what should be a downer, the film is actually good. It would require a jump to lightspeed to be great but it's an enjoyable flick nonetheless. It sticks to the tried-and-true "road trip" formula that the Farrely brothers incorporated into, well, all their films but the barely nostalgic 1998 setting and the George Lucas-stamped Star Wars references keep the idea fresh.
As the four guys embark on their journey they encounter a hostile group of Trekkies, an angry pimp, and a gaggle of cameos, all the while fulfilling every expectation society places on Star Wars nerds - the argument over Luke having the hots for Leia, and the ol' Jedi Mindtrick ("you want to take off your shirt"). Even with the myriad Star Wars references the script is broad enough to entertain just about everybody.. or at least guys, and even if the force is not very strong with the least geeky of us, who can resist the beautiful Kristen Bell (who even wears Leia's slave outfit in the final scene of the film)?
Unfortunately a tractor beam pull the film away from its promising premise, and right about here is where it hits the brakes. The characters are underdeveloped and not completely likeable, and much of the humor falls short. And despite the unique 1998 setting and the Star Wars references, the story still feels trapped in Han Solo's carbonite mold.
Like many other people on this site I grew up on Star Wars and was very excited before Phantom Menace was released. I would certainly recommend Fanboys to other fanboys or even casual Star Wars fans. Even those who have never watched Star Wars may enjoy it although some of the jokes were not intended for them.
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Submitted by doodirock on Sun, 05/03/2009 - 15:37