Shared on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 10:34
A single parent has to make a lot of decisions in the face of adversity, I finally am beginning to understand that. As most of you know, I grew up as a single child.Having to learn early that I had to depend on myself for a lot of things. Getting up and off to school, getting homework done, feeding myself. Because my mom was working to keep me in a home and food and clothes. My dad was present, and doing what he needed to to help out. Now I am the single father, I do ok, the kids needs are met, they have food and clothes, they have my attention when I'm not working. Occasionally I get to provide their wants. I'm seeking some assistance from outside sources this Christmas. Also pulling some overtime to get the kids something that all of us love to do together. I realize in times like this that my mom struggled more than I thought she did. I understood the concept of why she was at work so much, but not the reasons. Which I am slowly learning now. I will do anything for my kids, put my nose to any grindstone laid in front of me. But I want my kids to understand that while I may not be present for them at the moment, what I am doing is going to give us time to share when things get a little better. They will have my attention the moment after I do what needs to be done, and that need for my attention is satisfied in them. I let them know I love them, I say it, I act it, and I live it for them... I hope they can see and understand that sooner than I did as a child. Simply so they don't have the rebellious struggles I did as a teen. They have someone whom they can depend on to be there for them, in words and in actions. That being said, I'm looking forward to this Christmas.
- KuruptU4Fun's blog
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Submitted by Azuredreams on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 12:15
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 10:55