How Fucked up is that?????


Shared on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 09:23

Even though my wife will try and tell me that this dream is simply a way to try and get her off of my Xbox, it's not......


Went to bed the other night after taking my Valerian Root and Melatonin, and had the scariest nightmare I have ever had. Ironically, no one was killed or dismembered, no one in my family was kidnapped. It involved a courtroom, divorce proceedings, and the custody of..........





..........My Xbox.


I was in court, with my lawyer, my kids were crying, even though me and my wife weren't fighting over them. We were fighting over my Xbox. The wife brought my Xbox into the courtroom, hooked it up to a computer. Then using the website that will tell you what your Xbox thinks about you, had the court tell it that it wanted to live with my wife. How do you fight that? What do you say? I never felt more betrayed. I woke up in a really pissed off mood, felt like taking it out on my wife, yelling at her and taking her Xbox privliges away until she got her own. She went to work and I got over it, till she came home last night and took over my Xbox again, then I was just pissy........She called me on it, but I couldn't tell her why.....



JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Fri, 08/03/2007 - 12:44
Ditto Tara - and I wouldn't ever tell your wife dreams that you have like that. we can't help but try and figure them out.....and that never is
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 09:29
The secret to a happy marriage is two have two 360's and two bathrooms. Simple as that. Everything else will work itself out.
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 09:30
Doesn't she know to let the wookie win?
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 09:31
Wow - I need to read my shit before I hit the button.
FatBastard's picture
Submitted by FatBastard on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 09:36
Or the Ewok?!
KuruptU4Fun's picture
Submitted by KuruptU4Fun on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 09:45
she's working on buying her own. I think I'll be more excited about it than she will.
DragonsFairy83's picture
Submitted by DragonsFairy83 on Thu, 08/02/2007 - 10:23
Don't worry wookie. All shall be well once kitten has her own console.
SexKitten's picture
Submitted by SexKitten on Fri, 08/03/2007 - 00:33
Baine~ the wookie never wins........FU lol

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