Shared on Sun, 07/20/2008 - 09:55Sometimes there's that thing in your life that changes, and you search for something to summarize how you feel at that moment. Whether it be a song or a quote or a movie. Something that you can think about and it brings you strength. I've found a couple for this time in my life. The quote I have found is this: Acta non Verba, most of you will remember it from Battlefield Bad Company. Actions not Words, really applicable for the times I have faced recently. I don't have time to talk bullshit, simply get things done because they have to be done. The second thing I have found is a song by John Mayer; "Say", Simply put it's go thru your life saying what is on your mind and in your heart. Don't be afraid because fear leads to regret of opportunities missed. Something I am looking forward to trying over the next few months. Getting to know my friends better because I allowed myself to stay in this house and not get out to experience it life as it can be. I want to do this for a few reasons, but mostly just make sure my kids know who I am, and why I became who I did, and ultimately how they will affect whom I am in the future. That's pretty much it for now.
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Submitted by Lusetti67 on Sun, 07/20/2008 - 17:06
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 07/21/2008 - 08:45