In order to say goodbye...


Shared on Sun, 09/14/2008 - 13:21

What does it really take to say goodbye? Are they just words to put in your mouth and say to end a situation or a relationship? Or do you put thought and feeling into it, weigh the outcomes and finally realize that is what must be done? Ask yourself that for a moment, look at the opportunities you've had to say goodbye at. Which one are you, one to say goodbye at the beginning and then sort out the emotions and thought after all is said and done? Or do you start that process before, knowing that goodbye is something you may come to, weigh out the truth and consequences before hand? How you deal with the world and how it deals with you are can be summarized in how you greet something and how you say goodbye to it. People who are drawn to drama are people who revel in the emotion of goodbye. Obviously thoughtful people are the opposite. But can one kind of person be able to deal with the opposite side of goodbye? Can they make good decisions afterwards? I said goodbye not too long ago, I still think about it, I still feel about it. I said goodbye knowing it was coming. Knowing it was a decision I made in the best light. But knowing I said goodbye and that it hurts still and will for a very long time to come is a hard thing to deal with. I chose to say goodbye the first time, I stick by that decision. The second time was far more emotional and I can't be sure if I'll be able to sort it out and deal with it before I realize it's just easier to stick it in the goodbye box I had already started in the first place and put it on the shelf. It deserves better than that, but better and easier is a tough choice to make right now. a very hard fucking choice.


DragonsFairy83's picture
Submitted by DragonsFairy83 on Sun, 09/14/2008 - 14:30
Saying goodbye is never easy. Even when you think you have everything sorted out. Something always pops up to remind you just how painful it really is.
CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Sun, 09/14/2008 - 15:05
Saying good-bye is not the same as forgetting, for when you forget the event or the person you told good-bye has (metaphorically) died and with it a part of your soul. My wife died 23 years ago. I said my good-byes and it troubles me I can't remember her face anymore. But her essence has never left me, nor will I let it escape me. Saying good-bye in any form is inevitable when you factor in the many things that can happen in a person's life. Everything draws to a conclusion. Some things are better to decide upon sooner or later, other things must be cherised and kept close the heart as long as you can, as long as you can keep up the fight to have it stick around. There is nothing in the world you can call exclusively yours, you have it all on loan and that loan will expire. One day.
RivalJJH's picture
Submitted by RivalJJH on Sun, 09/14/2008 - 20:24
perhaps the best way to handle this is through a video chat.

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