Simply an Idea....


Shared on Sun, 04/01/2007 - 16:19

Personally, I think Chris Rock (as Rufus in Dogma) said it best whan talking about religion:

"It's better to have an idea about God, you can change an idea, it's a much harder thing to change a belief."

Yes I am aware that was a small segment from a conversation. Yes I am aware that it's a conversation that happened in a movie called "Dogma".

Yes I am aware that it was a comedy and should be taken as such. But it's still a valid statement, while we're on the subject of statements, let me say this.

This is my opinion and mine alone, if you don't wanna hear it, don't read past this paragraph, because if you do not think what I think you will be offended by what I am about to say. If you continue to read and don't like what I have to say, you don't like it and are offended by it, keep your opinion to yourself, I'm not going to debate my idea with you.

That being said; here is my IDEA about God.


Whan it comes to God, I do believe in God, I just do not believe in a belief structure (aka religion) that I follow. God (in the Old Testament) would actually speak to people, more to the point he would show proof of his existence. It is my idea that structured religion has in most ways lost God's plan by forming tennants and doctrine when it comes to God,because people define God's will. I was born and raised a Catholic, I have lost faith in that religion because they say that you must believe in and follow everything that that faction believes. I have followed in other religions to find that they basically believe the same. Therefore I do not follow any religion that has a belief structure, I follow an idea in God, this requires a different ideology. One that I find is simple to follow, but always tests your idea, always makes you question that God may exist. I see that God has not "proved his existance" at all, he wants you to have faith in him, have hope that he will come for you at the end of time. But since God has not actually,"spoken" to humanity in centuries, this makes it diffucult for me to simply believe in him. According to the Bible ( I find it strange that most every religion has it's own version of it) you should have faith that God has you in his plan. That your hope in God will secure you in the afterlife. But from where I stand I see that faith and hope are lost thru time, lost contact and boredom, and can only be continued by feeding it new and fresh things so that it can be nurtured. This has never really happened for me, because while I have an idea that God exists, I can be shown that dinosaurs exist, that can be proven. There is nothing (that I have seen) that can be proven in the bible. There is no museum that holds the Arc of the Covenant for all to see, the holy grail has only been searched for in works of fiction. Never in an article in National Geographic, there is no object in the Bible that can be physically be pointed to and say: "See that was in the Bible and it is here in front of your eyes". I have only seen that items in the Bible exist on this earth and can be located is in the National Enquirer, and other newspapers like it. There are museums full of items that were here before Jesus put a foot on this planet. I believe in them, but I have an idea about God. When man can get over his own ambitions to show other men that what he believes is right and others are wrong maybe I'll start to have faith again. When man can stop starting wars and handing out atrocities to others because of religious ideologies, I'll hope that God can speak to everyone and say something worthwhile that will bring us all together as one. When the way one individual is"no longer in the eyes of God"because he acts differently than others do and is ridiculed because of it, I will read the Bible again. Until man can stop doing things in God's name (becasue I think he can do it himself if he wants to) that objectifies other human beings. I cannot belive that God exists, I can only hope that my idea will one day be proven.


hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Mon, 04/02/2007 - 02:13
What about the New Testament...Christ was on the earth personally...He set up a "church" with Prophets, priests and teachers. Shouldn't there be that kind of organization today? Obviously this means that it has to be authorized by Him. I think that's part of the problem with Religion, they all claim to have the truth, but they change what's in the Bible to suit their purposes. I don't think that's how God wants it. I do think that there are certain things He expects from us. To live good lives, help one another, and make things around us better than before we found it. :) There are some religions that do lots of good in the world. I think they set a good standard and example for the rest of the world. :) I appreciate your thoughts as well! :)

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