I lost my virginity tonight. What an achievement!


Shared on Sat, 05/30/2009 - 02:55

Finally. Finally. Finally! I wrote a previous blog about how I wanted to complete every achievement in a game. I have never done it before and I was close to doing it in a few games.Why this is one of my goals? I'll never know.  There are a billion other things I should be doing with my time. Well anyway, tonight I popped my cherry with Fallout 3. I've been spending an inordinate amount of time in the Capital Wasteland, and now I can finally put this beast to bed....until late June at least which is when the next DLC comes out.


This stupid game owns me.


H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Sat, 05/30/2009 - 05:37
Congrats. I love this game myself but am nowhere near getting all the achievements.
BasBleu's picture
Submitted by BasBleu on Sat, 05/30/2009 - 06:05
Fallout 3 owned me from "hello"...I am attempting to get all the achievements as well...and I most certainly could be doing something much more productive, but it calls to me every time I get near that damn xbox.

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