Shared on Fri, 05/25/2012 - 06:05I waited for my buddy Todd to swing by so we could check out the track. Once he arrived we picked up his brother Rick. Rick was drunk already it seems. We headed out to the track. The surface is chewed up. Mainly because the track was torn up and redone. I can't wait until it is finnished. Brian said he was getting more clay/dirt. He wants to try to make a blue groove surface it seems. The track will be loose and loamy for a bit. It always is when you try to revamp the entire surface. It is not as tight as it was last year. Still, it is tight for high flying, high speed 8th scale racing.
I have mentioned my R/C truck before and even posted a couple pictures. This years truck is a whole differant ball game. To go from wheel lock to wheel lock only takes .2sec. I have the engine about half broken in. It needs about a half gallon more run through it. I am going to snap off a couple pics before the thing is covered in dirt. It does look awesome.
I can't wait for Borderlands 2 to release. This game is going to release just as my racing season comes to a close. What beautiful timing. I am going to get the Super Fan/Cobra Commander edition. You know, the one that comes with the loot box. At least, that is the one I want to get. It is rare for me to get such limited edition game bundle packs but this is a beloved game for me. I am really sorry I traded away the first one. I feel like playing it. If I buy it though, I will never finish getting my R/C car running. I am already behind due to Skyrim, Amalur and ME3. I may never make it out to the track is I don't stop cracking out on the awesome games that have been getting released.
Lastly, I felt(I rarely use the word "felt") the need to come back to my Jury Duty blog. Both people were convicted on all counts. Also, when the details of the cases were release I had learned that the lady that beat up her baby, was also convicted of beating up her baby once before. By baby I mean 14month old. Yes the same one...
Next blog will have a fucking trucker story.
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Submitted by Az on Fri, 05/25/2012 - 15:15
*shakes head*
Sounds likea woman, that should not have been given a second chance. /sad
Submitted by LocGaw on Fri, 05/25/2012 - 15:30
It was and I agree. There were no witneses and she was the only one in the house with the baby. All the evidance was circumstantial but it was testimony by experts.