My Xbox Live Is Expiring and I Don't Care


Shared on Sun, 08/02/2009 - 23:19

I recently got an email from Xbox Live informing me that my Live membership will expire in a few days and that I should renew so that my service won't be interrupted. My reaction was "Screw you Billy! You aren't getting my money. The service isn't worth it." Let me explain how it all came to this.

I have been playing MP games on Live for over 2 years. I have been playing MP games on the PSN for well over a year. This has allowed to get a very in depth look at the free vs. pay service when it comes to MP gaming on consoles. It is obvious as to the results of my comparative analysis. Paying $50 to $60 to game online just isn't worth it. Right about now all the 360 fanboy lovers have their thongs in a bunch and are ready to throw their Zune at me in order to show their love and devotion to their inferior console. I'm sure all the 360 lovers will chime in with the usual "Party System, Online Community, Home Sucks" propaganda that slick Billy slipped in your console Kool-aid. For once I wish one of these people would have actually played and owned both consoles for a significant amount of time.

Fact: The Party System sucks. I can't count the number of times I have been in a party with people across Canada and the United States only for the Party to continuously get dropped. We often just end up going back to public chat making the Party feature useless. Fact: The online community on Live and the PSN are one in the same. Both Live and the PSN are filled with the same collection of prepubescent asshats and random cool mature gamers. I have met some amazing gamers on both Live and the PSN but there is no way I want to pay money to meet those same people and stay connected to them through Live. Like I said before, it just isn't worth the money when I'm connected to a lot of those same people through the free PSN. Fact: The PSN is far less laggy and can handle more traffic than live. I often play 32 player matches on Socom, Killzone 2 or a 60 player match on Resistance 2 and everything is smooth as can be. That isn't the case with Live and MP gaming. I run into lag fests and dropped games all the time with Team Fortress 2, BFBC and COD4.  Fact: The trophy system is better than achievement points. Microsoft was first out of the gate and scored a huge success with achievements points. Too bad Sony came late to the show, copied MS' idea and made it better. Fact: Home is a pile of shit, all Playstation gamers know it and the only people that keep talking about how much Home sucks are 360 gamers.

Don't get me wrong. I do enjoy my 360 and all that it offers me. I just don't feel like paying fees to play the games that I have already paid a large amount of money to purchase. My game collection is quickly getting PS3 heavy because of this. The funny thing is I am seeing more and more gamers expressing the same thing and switching their primary gaming console over to the PS3. The real test will come in the fall when I have to decide which console I want to play Modern Warfare 2 on. Don't worry my fellow 360 gamers, this isn't the end of LudaToke knifing you in the back of a laggy game of BFBC. I may get a renewal some time down the line as a gift but it sure won't be out of my pocket.


br1ckt0p's picture
Submitted by br1ckt0p on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 08:17
Check your facts. Or, rather, rename them. Those are just your experiences. I'm like dood...I only game on the 360, but it has its flaws. But saying as fact that the party system sucks is wrong, it's just opinion based on your experience and preference. I'm not a fan of most PS3 games, but sounds like you really are, so have fun ;)
jwbeck's picture
Submitted by jwbeck on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 11:18
I own both systems and can tell you that the ps3 is a great blu-ray player and has some decent games.... but I primarily play the 360 because all of my peeps are that system and the party system is much easier to communicate and get into games... I do like the playstation 3
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Sun, 08/02/2009 - 23:33
Your party system argument will be irrelevant as of August 12th or whenever the NXE update releases early this month. It stops the party destruction. As for the lag situation, i believe the PSN system uses all dedicated servers. That's the difference. Too many devs on the 360 rely on peer to peer connections so lag is out of control and now people are lag switching to cheat. Dedicated servers are a must so you're not running a 16 player game hosted on timmy's 360k upload speed DS while he presses his lag switch. This is a huge problem with MP gaming on the 360, i'll at least give you this one.
doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 01:13
I agree with you on almost every front and Im pretty much a dedicated 360 user so that takes a lot to admit. The issue is: A) I hate the PS3 controller and would rather control my avatar with the blades edge of a dagger B) I hate almost all of the PS3 games I have played C) More of my friends play Xbox 360. See I'm not a console hater. I'm not a fan boy. I could give to shits what console I play on. I just want games I like playing with the people I like playing them with. PS3 can't offer me that yet. If it did, I wouldn't bat an eye when pushing the 360 off my shelf.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 05:10
I am doing the same thing as of Aug 3rd :)
govnamac's picture
Submitted by govnamac on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 06:28
Meh, I'd rather spend $5 a month to play live on a system that actually has games I like. I'm sorry, PS games have never appealed to me. Plus, I took advantage of a few sales when 12 month memberships were around $25 so I'm set for the next two years or so.
Spidey's picture
Submitted by Spidey on Tue, 08/04/2009 - 16:17
I picked up a couple of 12 month codes as well for $25 each. I agree with doodi, I could give 2 shits about what console I actually play on and I wish to God that there was one that I liked better than the xBox because I really, really, really, did I say really, don't like Microsoft. I hardly ever stray away from Halo so I guess I don't really have any options anyway. Do what you gotta do though, as long as you are having fun with whatever over priced games you are playing and whatever over priced system you are playing them on!

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