R6V2 Prepaid......Still Can't Decide Between Army Of Two And The Club


Shared on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 18:34

Well we are getting close to a week away from the release of R6V2 and I couldn't wait any longer and went and prepaid for it. R6V2 seems like a no brainer smash hit. A lot of people are waiting for the continuation of the Vegas story that ended with a cliffhanger in the first installment. This will be accompanied by a deep uprgraded MP system that has addressed a lot of the issues found in R6V.

Even though R6V2 will be keeping me busy for a long time to come, I am still looking for a nice piece of eye candy to change the pace in between the 8 hour marathon Vegas 2 sessions that I am likely to encounter. I am still having a hard time deciding if that piece of eye candy will be Army of Two or The Club. As of now I think I am still leaning towards Army of Two. I keep reading how great the graphics are and the co-op play is a blast. I still have until the end of the month to decide so I will be able to read a few more Army of Two reviews.


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 21:15
I picked between those two, i picked neither. I don't buy EA games so Ao2 is out and The Club isn't my style. I can't stand having to race through levels at a balls to the wall pace and not enjoy playing. I can't imagine dealing with an entire game of that BS. I'll wait another week for R6V2 and re-play mass effect this week since some new DLC is coming out for it.
Hetfield's picture
Submitted by Hetfield on Sat, 03/08/2008 - 22:54
Racing thru levels is only one of several modes in The Club. It's a polished game and has a good amount of re-play value. (IMO of course) AoT on the other hand is anything but polished. Sure it LOOKS great, But everything else is full of bugs and momentary freezing and it's pretty boring. Again, Just my view. R6V2 is the way to go!
LudaToke's picture
Submitted by LudaToke on Sun, 03/09/2008 - 10:41
Thanks for the input guys. I don't think I would stay away from Ao2 simply because it is an EA game. I have enjoyed a few EA games over the years so no reason for me to do that. I have read that The Club has come up with and interesting concept in combining the shooter genre with time trials of racing games.

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