Matt Likes Beer
Shared on Fri, 10/28/2011 - 06:37I would have really liked to stay up and watch the entire World Series Game 6 last night but since the game clearly wasnt going to be over before midnight I decided to go to bed at 11 and miss what turned out to be a great ending. With Baseballs decline in popularity over the years you would think they would have caught on by now that these late night game endings are not helping them out at all(especially this series with its record low ratings). My kids are both fans of baseball but theres no way im letting them stay up that late on a school night just to watch the games.
So tonights game is at 8:05, wouldnt it be better if they just had it on Saturday during the Day? Yes I know theres college football on at that time but at least you will pick up a few extra viewers from people flipping Channels back and forth and kids will be up and able to watch the entire game. Oh well, maybe Im wrong.
Oh and one more thing, Joe Buck is about as exciting as watching paint dry. Get rid of that monotone douchenozzle please.
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Submitted by H2Daddy on Fri, 10/28/2011 - 07:01
Submitted by Fetal on Fri, 10/28/2011 - 07:34