Its that time of the year when there is so much going on in sports. NFL free agency is about to kick off and Peyton is looking for a new team. NHL regular season is ending shortly, teams are fighting for the last few playoff spots(Go Lightning) and then Playoff Hockey will be here. March Madness is here but im not sure anyone can beat UK. Time to fill out those brackets. My Favorite sport to watch, Baseball, is less then a month away and spring training is in full swing. Theres a new wild card slot thats been added which will lead to a very exciting one game do or die match.
I would have really liked to stay up and watch the entire World Series Game 6 last night but since the game clearly wasnt going to be over before midnight I decided to go to bed at 11 and miss what turned out to be a great ending. With Baseballs decline in popularity over the years you would think they would have caught on by now that these late night game endings are not helping them out at all(especially this series with its record low ratings). My kids are both fans of baseball but theres no way im letting them stay up that late on a school night just to watch the games.
When you go out and buy one of those "professional" bikes with the real skinny tires does it automatically come with some flamboyant set of spandex or do you have to buy that separate? Also, is their some contract you have to sign that says by no means are you to EVER ride your bike on anything but the road despite there being an 8 foot wide sidewalk thats made for walkers and bikes and regardless of if there is a half mile worth of traffic building up behind your dumb ass?
When you go out and buy one of those "professional" bikes with the real skinny tires does it automatically come with some flamboyant set of spandex or do you have to buy that separate? Also, is their some contract you have to sign that says by no means are you to EVER ride your bike on anything but the road despite there being an 8 foot wide sidewalk thats made for walkers and bikes and regardless of if there is a half mile worth of traffic building up behind your dumb ass?