car pool again lol


Shared on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 11:09

Ok so if you've read my blog you know we had an issue with the first carpool, at that point I was told They didn't need me for awhile, Thats fine with me ((evil chuckle))

Well I had carpool this A.M.  Funniest Shit I have ever Seen.

First stop Mom at door leaned over whisper whisper whisper girl hops in and looks down I say good morning ... nothing.

second stop,  repeat of first stop

third stop EVEN better Mom sees its me and out right tells me I'll drive her !!! all while smiling and gave me the Wave... you know the wave the one you know they loath you but they do it just to be polite. lol

4th stop Hops in says hi and must have remembered his mommy told him not to talk to mean people and mid sentence just stops speaking all togehter lmfao

by this point Im half laughing but also a bit livid... ok so maybe im a bit abrassive, at times I may use a vulgarity or 4 but wheres the tolerence?

I tolerate your ass backward way of thinking. I tolerate them telling my 13yo they can't come to her house because I drink coffee. lol I allow them to put massive amounts of "hints" on my door that the heavenly father could save me...

YOU can't teach your kids to ride in a damn car and Say HI??? for fucking real?

So i do what i do best. Make the situation WORSE..

5th stop "HI how the FUCK ARE you Suzy.   I yell, " little man get in with the quickness I have Shit to do!!!! lol I honk as I leave..

Wait till im safely far enough away and just start talking to my daughter about the blood and gore of Gears How fucking sweet cod was last night i was sniping heads off like nothing... I also maybe made a reference to GTA ((although i dont care for the game)) I may have said i slapped a ho than killed her! lmfao all watching their little faces just trying to swallow all our talk!! a) video games are the devils work b) any thing with blood or curses are evil  c) a Mom playing.... just herracy!

Arrived at school and said ," Stay safe Bitches see ya at 3"


BKVic's picture
Submitted by BKVic on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 11:54
Just wait until your stuck in hell! I bet you'll be thinking twice about that coffee then! On the way home you need to work "Mormon porn" into the conversation, youll never have to car pool again!:)
KittenMag's picture
Submitted by KittenMag on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 12:11
As I'm reading and cracking up... I thought to myself.. where is this lady from... Utah?! lol then I looked over on the left and saw your location. I'm guessing those tricks are Mormons? But I guess if there were they wouldn't care about Jesus. Are they just super religious Catholics? They should know that most of the Mormon kids when they go to college they get shitfaced drunk every night and sleep with everything of the opposite sex... They are catching up on missed time! Work that into a conversation some day =)
Jedi_Kez's picture
Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 12:14
lol meat, you're horrible! I like it ! :) I wonder how long it will be until you get to carpool again?
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 12:18
lol@ kez... Im going to wear a Gay rights t-shirt tomorrow!!!! hehehe and Mag im from NY actually moved here a few years ago so i have a different outlook on religion so pretty much right here in my area its so very uppity so anything other than their outlook is WRONG!
ForensicsPhreak's picture
Submitted by ForensicsPhreak on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 13:00
too funny. sorry you have to deal with that Meaty... Just don't take it out on baby Jesus :-) really, I'm a christian and it took a long time to really become firm in my faith and you know what was one of the biggest hurdles? Over-enthusiastic christians! maybe they mean well, but they get insecure and ridicule others that aren't "doing it like them" I keep seeing this and think "wow, picking on people? that ought to get them running to the church" It's their problem if they don't see you like you truly are: A nice person with a good soul, oh but with anger management issues and a filthy mouth :-) who wants to be perfect? LoL
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 13:01
lol@phreak fuck you asshole im fukin perfect ok !
ForensicsPhreak's picture
Submitted by ForensicsPhreak on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 15:28
sure. sure. just don't shank me in the liver.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 11:14
Way to go .
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 11:18
TOLD!!! That was awesome..
SM05's picture
Submitted by SM05 on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 11:20
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 11:20
"Stay safe bitches. See ya at 3." Brilliant. PS - are you the one that mailed me a bible?
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 11:23
lmfao kashi where ya been i miss you my girl crush is fading... you need to feed the crush or it goes away lol whore!
ForensicsPhreak's picture
Submitted by ForensicsPhreak on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 11:28
And they haven't made you President of the PTA? WTF? that's funny nae. are these the mormons? i've never heard they have a deal with coffee. what's that about? Juan Valdez is the devil?
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 11:30
yes hot tea and coffee are forbidden.. !!!! lmfao I call it jesus juice just to piss em off!
Lusetti67's picture
Submitted by Lusetti67 on Mon, 02/23/2009 - 11:45
Its the stimulant in the coffee . No coke or pepsi only 7up . Nice blog Nae I cut and pasted it sent it to Myra at work. She needs a laugh.....

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