going off my friends blog~


Shared on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 16:18

things that erk me.... inspired by fatals blog... thanks wifey~


Getting on a line to only have it slow to a snails pace and watch the cashier just smile

Going to a function with kids and have that one annoying mother of the year address their child by name a million fukn times.....

Using your bathroom at home to only find there is no toilet paper AFTER THE FACT!!!!

People seeing your clearly aggreivated and still asking you hows your day.

Other peoples kids!'

Fake ass neighboors that watch you do yard work and say HOWDY neighboor doing yard work.... NO dickhead im just combing my yards hair?

Moms at a park.... Nuff said if your a mom YOU MAY know what im talking about... if you are a mom and have no clue what im reffering to  this is about YOU.... lol

my nephew crying like he is a 2 yo girl lol....

to be continued later,, :)






FatalPoison's picture
Submitted by FatalPoison on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 16:33
Love the comment about combing your lawns hair....HILARIOUS
Lusetti67's picture
Submitted by Lusetti67 on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 17:36
Hows your day going ?
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 18:09
lol its fine.. LOL just some pent up aggressionssssss :)

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