

Shared on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 12:01

So I was reading MJ blog over the weekend and it got me thinking. Why are kids these days have such a sense of entitlement. WELL i have a few opinions on this, NOW mind you this is my view of some things so dont go getting defensive or anything LOL.

Ok 1)  Why would you expect your kids to pick up if you the parent doesn't. case in point a friend of mine screams at her kid to clean her room. well alone thats a good thing but when the parent is sitting on her ass and the house looks like a tornado hit it I have a huge problem with that.. but I bite my tongue.

2)Yelling about responsibility to a teen. well I agree but when you live in a glass house dont throw BOULDERS... lol have you looked at your check list of things to do... have you looked at your finances?? lol are you any more responsible??

3) Respecting others... this one is golden... I love the parent that stands on the soap box and dictates the rules of respecting others but yet walk through a mall with that same mom and hear the vomit that falls out of the mouth about how people look and "wow did you hear what she did" lol

My kids are all these things respectfull kind responsible... ((at times))) because I try to set an example. NOW before the few of you laugh till you pee.... I am a ray of sunshine to just you guys lmfao you do not have to be perfect but don't expect your kids to be either... All i need from my kids is love and respect.. when they respect other... others things... and them selves Life is good !  OH and my kids fear me LOL that helps they know if i see a shirt on the floor for more than a day.. shirt is in the garbage... if you are texting while im giving a lecture.. it will go out the window... check 1-15 I bet there are a few there.. I stick to my threats.... thats rule one... Dont threaten to threaten MEAN it.... don't worry if you spent 50$ on something the lesson learned by said child whatching you throw something away IS PRICLESS!!! lmfao I love my girls they are fun and loving and sarcastic and sometimes horrid but they know when to stop!!!! I think thats my point.  kids will be kids but good parenting with a slight crazy stare from the parent should get em line!!!!! If you have nastey ass entitled little bratz think how what your doing isn't working and try something else...

I live in Utah... I live in a state where good parenting is defined by never cursing never raising your voice and NEVER raising a hand... and yet the kids here are scary... I live differently and think my kids are FABULOUS. lol. I am the few here that think a good yelling or a kick in the ass in a neccessary evil.... I am frowned upon when i tell my 3 year old we will leave the playground if she isnt nice.. I get told OH KIDS WILL BE KIDS.. ..and than i see that parent child screaming and throwing sand in some boys eye and laughing lol I stick by my parenting....  :)


rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 11:20
My wife yesterday bought Scene It LCA for the 360 and we played it for friggin' hours. It is so awesome to have something that gets her into gaming because she hates my 360 in general. Great game so far, looking forward to DLC and having some friends over for party play.
Nighthawk70's picture
Submitted by Nighthawk70 on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 11:22
Holy crap! I had to keep from laughing out loud. I so know what it meas to have those odd moments! My 7 year old daughter was sitting at the table eating dinner.. and she let out this belch that sounded like a 20 year old druken college student.. The table went quiet.. Eating stopped.. I looked at her and she looked at me like she was going to get in trouble.. I proceed to say 'RIGHT ON!!!' offered a high five.. and then everyone started laughing so hard.. That's what life is all about..
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 11:30
Great story but I like the other Friendly's story better because you were angry.
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 11:36
man you love Friendly's don't you? Jesus Christ i should look into stock for them
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 12:05
They send coupons out all the time for free kids meals with the purchase of a adults dinner, and they are just down the street.
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 12:09
So even if they serve cat ass on a hot plate, you are going?
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 12:10
WIth ICe cream...Hells Yeah
DragonsFairy83's picture
Submitted by DragonsFairy83 on Mon, 12/17/2007 - 12:25
Baine you owe me a soda because I just spit mine out.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 12:09
Agreed on all points. If the parents aren't an example, the kids aren't going to be better. Bravo!
Ewok_Poacher's picture
Submitted by Ewok_Poacher on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 12:12
Kids today graduate from kindergarten...graduate. When I was a kid, you passed kindergarten. How you don't pass kindergarten I'm unsure, but there is a different in earning something mundane and being told you are special for accomplishing a task (however mundane it is).
Ewok_Poacher's picture
Submitted by Ewok_Poacher on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 12:12
wilderz's picture
Submitted by wilderz on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 12:29
I used to tell my step-daughter to clean her room, and pick up the clothes off the floor. The second day I came in her room and discovered her stuff all over the floor, everything on it got thrown out! Clothes, and MP3 player, and tons of other stuff. After that, she only had to hear the car pull in the driveway, and she was in there getting that room clean.
BrodysDad46's picture
Submitted by BrodysDad46 on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 12:50
Thank you meat. I learn a lot about parenting from my clanmates that have been through it before. We don't have family nearby, so we need to be reminded about basics like consistency and not idly threatening. And, you are a ray of sunshine for everyone, not just AoW. LOL.
Jedi_Kez's picture
Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 14:05
Holy shit paragraphs!!!!!!!!! :)
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Tue, 01/29/2008 - 14:12
Just for you Kez lmfao

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