my 13 yo RANT


Shared on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 09:15

I truly just can't deal with her mood swings. I know this may sound Ironic to my Clan whores who play with me since im a moody wench However SHE is 13 heres my issues.

She wants to own all things hot topic and pretty but I have to beg her to shower lol

Has a cell phone and can text 47 words per second but can't pick up a cup and return it to a sink.

Can hold 14 convo's  at one time between the computer and phone and yet can't remember a list of 2 things I've asked. LIKE Brush ya teeth and shower!

Wants money but thinks chores are "stupid" lol

oh and thinks texting me.. is a) an acceptable way to communicate with me and B) thinks its funny to use some BS lingo to make me feel stupid... ((which i Do a lil bit))

This morning was the topper she falls out of bed late... wears an old ass t-shirt with a rip which in its self is fine but when you have shit in your closet 3'xs more pricey than MINE and you choose a fukn old ass ripped t it pisses me off NOW listen A ripped t could be "cool" when worn in the right situation like being GROOMED, but when you pair it with  messy  hair...and other shit.. YOU JUST LOOK HOMELESS!

This may sound Harsh.. tough SHIT!

take a god damn shower  do your own hair.... do your friggin chores... 

oh and kissed her forhead and told her to have a good fukn day at school!

this was all before 7:30  2 more Kiddo's to wake up.. OH JOY!



skumbukit's picture
Submitted by skumbukit on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 09:21
I am fully convinced that when my daughter turned 12 a spaceship came to my town and dropped an alien in my house, while my real daughter when off to some alien finishing school. The good news is when they reach around 22 they bring back the original and take away the freak.
SM05's picture
Submitted by SM05 on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 09:24
Sounds like you need a GOW2 break meat. ;)
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 09:29
my lovely sam..... NO it sucks!!! however I may play some cod after work lol
Jedi_Kez's picture
Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 09:44
Shit my 7 yo is started to sound like your 13 yo... the only thing mine is missing is the phone, if she had that... damn they'd be like clones, lol. If you have trouble with her lingo in texts, try searching them on, so you don't have to look foolish not knowing them :) Even better, find ones on their she doesn't know, and use them against her. FTW! teens/girls with cell phones FTL!
alabama_old_fart's picture
Submitted by alabama_old_fart on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 10:08
Mine turns 13 the 16th. No way would she go out of the house any way but perfectly groomed, perfectly dressed, and attitude to the hilt. God help some poor boy that likes her. It will get worse, though, she just made the JV dance team at school. Remember the "plastics"?
IsNotNull's picture
Submitted by IsNotNull on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 10:57
Good luck with that!
DrWhistler's picture
Submitted by DrWhistler on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 11:10
Dam, have some coffee. ;) My daughter is turning 10 this year. She trying to start the whol attitude thing and started begging me to purchase $90 tickets to see Jonas Brothers. Quickly whipped out the BOOMShield, blocked, and denied!
Lusetti67's picture
Submitted by Lusetti67 on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 12:02
She is 13 the ball has just started rolling ... You and I have talked about my teen now 20 . All I can say is be on top of it. Tough love.
Rau's picture
Submitted by Rau on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 12:11
Sounds like my 6 yr old minus the phone. Although, she is still motivated by cookies. PS make sure you wash your mouth now that you just kissed her dirty forehead.

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