Pitty Party Time


Shared on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 10:13

ok  So we all have bad days right... we have days that we HAVE TO BE THE ONLY person who has been through what we have been through.. than you get some suzy sunshine telling you ... it could be worse.. WELL GUESS WHAT i dont give a rats ass if it could be worse. Im having a shitty day and its allowed... i dont want to hear... oh it will get better.. or wow look at all you have to be greatful about WRONG>>> a person regardless of privilage or not is allowed to have a shitty poor me day!!! embrace it.... love it.. wallow in it... drink.. eat .. shovel horrible fast food and crappy chocolate down ya mouth and enjoy your pitty..... ITS ALLOWED

PITTY PARTY for all at 9pm :)

@10pm you need be over it.. no one loves a whinner LMAO


BKVic's picture
Submitted by BKVic on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 11:45
Now Meat, when I say she sucks at video gaming Im not just saying it in a joking way. She has NEVER played a first person shooter in her life. My wife is a RN, she works on a labor and delivery floor, Im guessing that she has to have good hand eye cordination to start IV and cathadors ect. Saying all of this I have yet to witness any in her game playing, but bless her heart she has started playing the single player missions trying to better herself. I even went out and found a used copy of Gears so we wouldnt have to split screen. I dont know when she will be able to face you, but then again is anyone ready for you, but you WILL get a laugh out of her screen name. BKVic
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 13:14
lol I so cant wait... ill take her under my meaty lil wing and teach her all the joys of killing the hubby in game :) And really I dont care if she cant play if she can follow me... we'll be fine.. ILLLLL be her meatyshield :)
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 10:21
I hear ya!. Only recently have we as a society become obsessed with being happy all the time. If you want to be unhappy, it's a valid emotion. Be unhappy. Recognize your unhappiness, it's ok. Sometimes though you really just have to suck it up and really just do something about whatever it is that is pissing you off. You know what I mean? If it's drama for drama's sake and it's hurting others or yourself: just get over it.
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 10:24
no doubt.... my pitty party is about the mundane bs from day to day... just tired of the struggle ya know.... but the kids run out ... and life goes on.. party over... PAINT ya smile on time :) heheheh
dos's picture
Submitted by dos on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 10:25
sure, its okay to be depressed, sad, unhappy all of those emotions are valid. Suzy and her sunshine is the worst. is it okay to have a "poor me session" or pity party?—not in my scope of influence. you're responsible for yourself. your life is your own. tackle that jazz and move on. my .02
Kysr_Gal's picture
Submitted by Kysr_Gal on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 10:40
I'm all for pity parties. Wallow in it, then move on.
BKVic's picture
Submitted by BKVic on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 10:44
I feel like shit as well Meat, but do you know what makes me feel better???? Team killin you! That always makes my life brighter! In fact thats the reason Im happy most of the time, because I kill you!:) On a side note you havent seen frustration until you try to teach your wife to play Gears when she as NEVER played a video game in her life, except for WII sports with the kids. I mean she cant run for 50 ft without someway ending up looking straight up into the sky and then telling me that shes lost! I have you and Luney to thank for this, she want to join in on the fun when I play with you two, Ill have to team kill you a few times to make myself happy again! Your friend The Burgular
nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 10:52
awwwww seeee I feel tons better knowing I recruited the new Mrs Burgular :) and that your life will now turn to hell knowing if you kill her she will beat you with a fry!!!! Im so excited tell her i cant wait to play!!!! :)

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