

Shared on Mon, 09/24/2007 - 08:04

Been super busy lately haven't had the time or the want to blog lately. whether its because I may say something to offend or I just want to let things roll off me and be the bigger person  but either way its been awhile.

Being the troop leader for a brownie troop is proving to be a bit difficult we have to many girls with very different mental ages lol so its hard to get through even the simple things...AND but pisses me off to no end is.. IF the parent is going to stay and observe... A) dont be on the cell the whole time~ let your kids think for a half a second you give a shit enough to listen.... B) If you see your child being a "brat" and being disruptive.... DO something... i have a parent whom sees said child really being a huge thorn in our side and shrugs and says well shes excited... GUESS what.. no she has a mom that doesnt tell her no~!  Nothing worse than having to tell a child what to do when their parent is RIGHT THERE!.    Than I take on a paper route for my youngest, I agree to drive her around and we split the money.. OK so you get like 15 cents a paper during the week and 25 on the weekends... for an adult its laughable but for a 12 yo its LOOT!!! Granted Its not far i cant use gas as an excuse however the getting up at 4:45 am every damn day its NUTS as a child she comes home and passes out.. and Im up and than want to crash at like 11 am lol How do i gt out of this.. Im hoping it will snow soon... she hates the cold :) but loves money~!@@! Damn it lol The home front is going well I LOVE...LOVE the holiday season im one of those cheesey ass people that go all out.. I make the customes go on hayrides pick pumkins cook decorate to the point it looks like that perticular season just vomited all over my house!!!! I LOVE it... AND I've noted when i do this, around x-mas  my girls are so filled with stuff to do and smiles because of the family time... SANTA gets off easy the lists seem smaller, but we are the type of parents that never say wait and ask santa.. if they want something and have done chores and over all acted  human like we get it ..within reason... therefor at xmas time its never a free for all. We have a rule we never put ANY gifts on a credit card... if we dont have the cash they dont get it... It has worked great never guilt after xmas and never "to much sticker shock in jan" lol............... WHICH leads me to the best news.. I was able to get my OWN 360!!!! YAYYYYYYYY  bought my own copy of gears,,,, and played... OHHH i love it.

PSA!!!!! PSA!!!!!! Public Service Announcement..... DONT go into a room over and over again day after day ...  get into a room than leave mid-round... it ERKS THE HELL OUT OF ME... if in fact you dont like me.. dont come in.... if in fact you dont care for my weapon swap... SAY BYE  see ya... Ive said it before im aware of family.... friends.... room type  and personality conflicts.. BUT FOR fuks sake say BYE... message someone in the room and say see ya...  SWEET JESUS just say BYE!!!!  this is not for the occasional drop outer.. or the room hopers that room hop to please everyone!!!! im all on board for that... THIS is for the Asshat"s" that continues to do it with no explaination ever!



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