Get Your Giggle On!!!!


Shared on Sat, 10/07/2006 - 22:21

Well, it’s fallen my lot to host October’s Wheezin Geezer H2 tourney. I think I’ll call the Tournament… “Get Your Giggle On!” since I notoriously giggle when I do something silly or stupid playing Halo. I routinely fall off maps and miss melees. LOL! Poor clan won’t know what hit’em. Actually, they probably will. Most of these guys and gals all know how to have a good time. And in fact, it’s rare that I hook up with anyone from 2o2p that doesn’t know how to have a good time. Which is a good thing and it keeps me happy here @ 2o2p. Anyway… we’ve (Jerry’s Kids/Orphans J) been trying to play more competitive type games w/the MLG type settings and w/that competitive nature of the game, comes the tension and intensity of playing at that level.

Don’t get me wrong, I actually enjoy playing the MLG stuff, even when we get trashed. It forces you to realize that if you can’t play well as a team and practice as a team, you’ll never be able (despite how well of an individual player you are) compete w/a team that can get map control and have the angles to team shoot you as soon as you pop out from cover.

So… since I’m in control of the tourney, I’ve decided to go the opposite of “hardcore” and competitive. This tourney will be as laid back and jovial as possible. I’ve been searching the net and trying to remember some of the more light hearted custom gametypes that I’ve played in the past and have had a good time playing. You know the one’s I’m talking about. The kind where you grab two needlers go through the port on Beaver Creek screaming “Pink Death!!!!!!” or when you charge the hill wielding only your plasma pistol that you aren’t allowed to shoot (melee’s only) giggling as you smack and get smacked by your friends. Yes, those are the types of games I’m looking for. So far, I’ve got about 4 gametypes that I’m using (FightClub, Dodgeball, Troy and my own creation HH Soccer) I still need two more and I’ve got some ideas but if you’d like to PM me w/some variant or custom you’ve played or created I’d greatly appreciate it. Even if I don’t use it for the tourney I’d still like to have it for future custom games.

I also appreciate the Bungie boys in the customization aspect of the H2 variants that are possible. Just a few tweaks here and there and you’ve got a whole new game variant. Something as simple as manipulating time limits, number of lives, # of balls on maps, etc can totally change how a game is played. This is good since most of us are still gonna be waiting for Halo 3 for quite a while. And if Gears turns out to be another Perfect Dark, we’re gonna need some more custom variants to keep us shooting til H3 come out.

Here’s some more Youtube goodness for you.
This is a cool Xbox  commercial that got banned. LOL! It reminds me of a couple of movies.


Here's another xbox vid that was banned, but I have seen this one a while back.



Puzzled's picture
Submitted by Puzzled on Sat, 10/07/2006 - 22:31
Man, I fumbled around w/those last two Youtubes, I think I copied the URL's incorrectly. Anyway... they're working for me now. Hope they work for everyone else. :)
ProvingUnique's picture
Submitted by ProvingUnique on Sun, 10/08/2006 - 06:33
those are nice finds... lol... hilarious.
Rock's picture
Submitted by Rock on Sun, 10/08/2006 - 09:58
Nice blogging there Puzzled, thumbs up for you. Looking forward to the WG Get Your Giggle On tourny. Let me know if you need any help. Peace.
Puzzled's picture
Submitted by Puzzled on Sun, 10/08/2006 - 11:32
Thanks Rock, I'll let you know. I'm just hoping we all have a good time. :)

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