UFC Saturday night... Penn -vs- Hughes


Shared on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 09:53
The more I think about this fight, the more I'm leaning toward Penn taking the upset victory. Hughes is without a doubt one of , if not the strongest, welterweights out there right now, and is a much better fighter than he was when Penn beat him. Not to mention, as someone has estimated, he's had nearly 800 country breakfasts since that defeat.

However, that being said, Penn just lost a tough fight vs George St.Pierre by a close decision. GSP is a top notch welterweight and will probably wear the belt at some point and for BJ to just come back into the fiighting game and lose a close fight by decision was pretty impressive in my opinion. If you saw the fight, you may agree that it was a close fight.

The biggest deciding factor in that fight, in my opinion was the corner. GSP had a great corner, there were giving him some great advice and strategy in between the rounds and more info and commentary during the fight. BJ's corner was, for the most part silent and offered little helpful advice and strategy at all. BJ should've tried to take GSP down more, it was obvious that GSP couldn't take/keep BJ down. BJ is most effective when he takes someone down, beats on'em and either knocks'em out, or they panic and give him a submission. I've never seen BJ out grappled... he's just too slick on the ground.


So, in Saturdays fight... will this Matt show up?


This Matt is confident, strong and he listens to his corner = smart.

Or will this Matt show up?


The above Matt never knew what hit him. It was like he was in shock after Penn starting destroying him.

So my prediction is that we'll see more of this tomorrow night:


If BJ has no corner like his fight vs GSP, then I might be made to look silly. But alas, I think that BJ is hungrier and that he has all the right tools to negate Matt's weapons.

We shall soon see.


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