Battle of the bulge


Shared on Tue, 04/14/2009 - 13:45

okay, so for a while now i have been losing weight by going to the gym everyday for at least an hour of cardio and weights. i gave up smoking dope, and thus eating shit food and moved onto a wholesome diet of green stuff and rice/pasta. so today i tried my very first "low fat" meal as i was craving anything other than pasta/ green stuff/ fish/ chicken.

where the fuck is the flavour? seriously, lasagne is a gift from *insert your deity of choice* and should not be tampered with except to make it healthier. but goddamit if they didnt take my favourite dish and suck the life out of it, all the cheesy, tomato-ey richness i was looking forward too

on the packet it said "treat yourself" what? food they wouldnt serve in a  prison camp? or if they do it would be some kind of horrific torture "here infidel have one of your tasty decadent western dishes....ha! SURPRISE!!!! we have taken this food and removed all the good stuff from do you like them apples pig dog!?!"

fuck it seriously, tomorrow, i'll just run that extra half hour so i can eat the real thing.


TenaciousGinger's picture
Submitted by TenaciousGinger on Tue, 04/14/2009 - 21:31
RIGHT ON!!!!!!! dude.. im not good at sticking to my own advice, but I do give it pretty good. Eat 5 times a day.. 3 regular meals and two snacks inbetween ie: rice cakes er what have you..btw the cinnimon apple ones arnt to bad.. there are good "healthy" snacks out there..they are just hard to find.. keep at it..i need to get my fat ass to the gym again too..ive been paying but not going.. what a waste..blah. yeah so smaller portions, 5 times a day.. RUN LIKE THE WIND BULLSEYE
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Tue, 04/14/2009 - 18:27
now thats some funny shit, and i agree!! lasagna is the shit

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