redfive's blog


Shared on Tue, 06/16/2009 - 11:10


It's been a while since i wrote anything down, and thats mainly because there's not been a damn thing to piss me off, life has been just peachy.

until this week.


not only did i lose my spectacles, lose my travel pass which costs 40 english pounds a month and nearly break my fingers in a freak gust of wind/bedroom door incident this morning, but i went on the fucking worse date ever. EVER.


Shared on Tue, 06/16/2009 - 11:10


It's been a while since i wrote anything down, and thats mainly because there's not been a damn thing to piss me off, life has been just peachy.

until this week.


not only did i lose my spectacles, lose my travel pass which costs 40 english pounds a month and nearly break my fingers in a freak gust of wind/bedroom door incident this morning, but i went on the fucking worse date ever. EVER.


Shared on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 04:11

I has a borked

i'm broken.

its all my own fault. i had a session with my gym instructor/trainer. whilst doing lateral squats with big ass weights i jokingly said "is that all you got? pussy." or something like that, just in a sarcastic kind of way as it was obviously a bit tastey. the dude is a former royal marine and was a PT instructor at that. he took that as "c'mon dude, stop being a fucking jess!!! break me"


Shared on Fri, 04/24/2009 - 04:11

I has a borked

i'm broken.

its all my own fault. i had a session with my gym instructor/trainer. whilst doing lateral squats with big ass weights i jokingly said "is that all you got? pussy." or something like that, just in a sarcastic kind of way as it was obviously a bit tastey. the dude is a former royal marine and was a PT instructor at that. he took that as "c'mon dude, stop being a fucking jess!!! break me"


Shared on Mon, 04/20/2009 - 06:13

made of WIN!

so it's boiling hot here in the uk at the moment. spring has sprung, the jackets are off. awesome

today its super quiet at work so they are letting permanent staff have a half day if they wanna take it.  awesome

so, living on the coast has its perks. i am off to the beach for the rest of the day. awesome.

3 x awesome = WIN


Shared on Mon, 04/20/2009 - 06:13

made of WIN!

so it's boiling hot here in the uk at the moment. spring has sprung, the jackets are off. awesome

today its super quiet at work so they are letting permanent staff have a half day if they wanna take it.  awesome

so, living on the coast has its perks. i am off to the beach for the rest of the day. awesome.

3 x awesome = WIN


Shared on Tue, 04/14/2009 - 13:45

Battle of the bulge

okay, so for a while now i have been losing weight by going to the gym everyday for at least an hour of cardio and weights. i gave up smoking dope, and thus eating shit food and moved onto a wholesome diet of green stuff and rice/pasta. so today i tried my very first "low fat" meal as i was craving anything other than pasta/ green stuff/ fish/ chicken.


Shared on Tue, 04/14/2009 - 13:45

Battle of the bulge

okay, so for a while now i have been losing weight by going to the gym everyday for at least an hour of cardio and weights. i gave up smoking dope, and thus eating shit food and moved onto a wholesome diet of green stuff and rice/pasta. so today i tried my very first "low fat" meal as i was craving anything other than pasta/ green stuff/ fish/ chicken.


Shared on Thu, 03/26/2009 - 13:51

welcome to the machine

so i'm working on this project, i think i whined about it last time, where i am helping with the merger of my department and another at work and integrating our policies and procedures. it's not so bad, it's hard going and total confusion reigns. i started smoking heavily again lets put it that way.


Shared on Thu, 03/26/2009 - 13:51

welcome to the machine

so i'm working on this project, i think i whined about it last time, where i am helping with the merger of my department and another at work and integrating our policies and procedures. it's not so bad, it's hard going and total confusion reigns. i started smoking heavily again lets put it that way.

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