sleep vs xbox


Shared on Thu, 03/12/2009 - 14:33

so here i am on another late shift...okay it finishes at 8pm. BUT i have to be back in work at 8 a.m. for the early. its been like this for about a week now. so by the time i get home, i can have a bath...and then go to be up again at 05.30 to be in work for 8.

leaving me absolutley no interest in anything else except my huge, soft, comfy, warm, cosy, awesome bed....but i wanna play xbox

now, i was moaning the other day about not having girl about the place. today i say this: thank fuck, or my weekend of gaming would be a bust too....and i'd have to share my bed.

so roll on friday night i say! and the munchies, combustibles and bottles of fine, fiiine cider are already in the cupboards and fridge. my flatmate is going away, the volume is going up and the glorious sounds of Battlefield Bad Company will ring out around the house into the wee small hours.


"enemy outpost secure" indeed.




redfive's picture
Submitted by redfive on Mon, 03/16/2009 - 07:11
M & M's and Booze FTW!!!
TenaciousGinger's picture
Submitted by TenaciousGinger on Sat, 03/14/2009 - 22:10
mmmmmm munchies.. :D tee hee

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