TV Ads and "In-game" footage


Shared on Thu, 05/18/2006 - 21:36

The rediculous pre-rendered game advertisements on TV have to stop. Ubisoft is the king of those. Call of Duty 2 had one too. I hear so many casuals and non-gamers go, "Wow, videogames have really changed". In England, they actually banned those ads as I read on an English gaming site. Its basically false advertising. Makes me think less of the game. Hats off to Bethesdas Oblivion, for showing REAL gameplay in their ad.----Now it seems weve moved from rediculous CG pre-rendered to "IN-GAME". I really thought this was an improvement but I am reminded on this site its not really in-game. In-engine would be more apporpriate. I admit I was slightly duped (Is there more than one type of duping?). Now I see that it is simple to use the in-game engine, stop all the AI, sound, and other un-needed intructions,  and pre-make a movie with the engine with all the resources on graphics, and run an audio track over the top of it and slap it on a DVD. I suppose this isnt as bad as full-blown CGI. Especially if those "in-game" movies make it as cut scenes in the final game. Otherwise, they seem like only a step down from the misleading, looks-like-your-trying-to-hide-something ads on TV.


Agonizing_Gas's picture
Submitted by Agonizing_Gas on Thu, 05/18/2006 - 22:37
Youre right on the money. If I see one more Metal Gear Solid or Killzone 2 "game-play" CGI trailer, Im gonna be sick. Dont pretty up the commercials to sell a crap product. We should sue the bastards that make a commercial that makes the game look like Oblivion when it is clearly Bad Boys: Miami Takedown.

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