WW2 Gaming


Shared on Fri, 07/07/2006 - 03:00

Since BIA and CoD2 Ive been re-thinking where this genre is going. Is it just some execs who see a money making deal? Probably. COD2 felt visceral as you shot some poor nazi bastard up close. Too bad, in reality, his family would be "re-educated" if he didnt serve. Guys kid was probably being forced into the hitler youth.-----I dont want to drag this one out but, you see where its going. This genre has been prostituted, done in mediocrity, and big-budgeted to the point where its tough to ignore.-----I enjoyed the Band of Brother series (BIA was based on this) but I never wanted to watch it twice, nor have I played CoD2 twice. Maybe I like DoD:Source so much because it portrays the allies Vs the germans..., yet it seems to pay tribute to the fighting spirit on both sides. From the moment you start the game and look at the title screen, youll gather the same feeling I think. Its not about laying waste to mad numbers of krauts. -----I have much more to add, but the bottom line is, as a gamer, this genre and the games make me second guess why Im supporting/playing the game and supporting  the publisher. I question their motives. Uncomfortable. A good knowledge of modern history is backing it.-----perhaps this is why I like the unexplored sci-fi, fantasy before anything else. I can imagine without the facts of reality popping up. Not to make me think how someone who was there must think. And wonder why people are teabagging on XBL while some near death 75 year old can still remember holding his friends legless corpse after a an hour of 88s dropping on them---This was put in my blog for a reason, I dont want to pull drama publicly on the folks who dont feel like I do.  I just wonder if someone else may read it or feel the same way. Probably not.----


wellskelpt's picture
Submitted by wellskelpt on Fri, 07/07/2006 - 03:11
Hi Rhysode. I like where you are coming from. I prefer the sci-fi FPS to be honest. COD2 was a good game to play but I always feel a ittle uneasy since the reality of what is prtrayed in the game is never too far away. Perhaps its due to being European and having the constant, almost daily, reminders of the actual events. I think such games are good in one respect to help remind people and perhaps demonstrate in some small way what it might be like as though a small history lesson but such games should still try an respect the history and the people. Unfortunately WW2 shooters are more than just "games" than say Halo, no matter how fantastical they try and make them. Jut my opinion.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Fri, 07/07/2006 - 08:22
Great blog. Personally, I feel that WWII has been prostituted, as you say, in movies, games, and television because it’s very clear that we were well-justified in fighting them. It was the birth of the U.S. as a superpower, took us out of the depression, and the significance of our victory over Germany and Japan cannot be understated. Since then, our wars have been less clear, less justified, and less was achieved, for lack of a better word. You’re right to point out that in war, the guy on the other side has family, fears, feelings, and, just like us, is human. It’s rare for people to view it that objectively, though.

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