Scale’s Dom Blops notes.


Shared on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 14:06

I play mostly Dom and have leveled 90% of my time in Dom, and a friend of mine who normally plays TDM has been asking for tips as he sucks at playing Dom, so I figured I would post what I wrote to him. 
For a Dom team to work there are some roles that need to be filled and then some roles that need to be minimized. The point of the game is to take and HOLD as many points as your team is able to. Often the taking happens but the holding does not and then some fool takes the 3rd point not knowing if anyone else is ready for the spawns to switch around.
The runner… this is the guy who runs from point to point, sometimes stopping long enough to take a point and often not. This is the tool that has no care at all for the game and is only playing Dom because it gives him a Simi static spawn to try and spawn kill. They serve to disrupt the other team, and if you are facing one, they will disrupt your team if they can. Often there are too many of these on your teams, and if they are stupid about it they can really pad the other teams kill streaks and bring out nasty support. In the lobby and on coms these will be the ones bitching about campers…  “OMG they are camping” that translates into “they are defending one of the objectives by setting up behind cover and shooting me as I run around like a dumbass”  and because of that the best counter for these is not to move, setup behind cover with your back covered or blocked and keep killing them. The only way these are effective is if 90% of the team is made of these and they just spawn kill the other team. Unfortunately many people fall into this by mistake, or they have the concentration level of a nat... People fall into this role because they think that the whole point of Dom is to keep taking points with no care for keeping the ones you have, or they are just after huge kill numbers…  

The camper… or defender if they are actually defending something. These fall into two main types, those that are guarding an objective their team controls and keeping the other team from trying to take it, and the one that is camping one of the other teams objectives trying to get cheap spawn kills because they lack the skill to kill someone who isn’t loading in after death. The latter of the two serves very little use for his team and serves even less use than the runner who at least pushes the other team back and makes it so others can try and take the points. However the defender serves a very vital role and is often underrepresented in PUGs as it’s not as exciting as running around and may or may not get you many points or kills. The smart defenders will post up someplace where they can get to the most contested objective quickly while still being able to fall back to another objective, the best way to do this is to pick a known path that’s near bravo as it’s almost always the most contested.   
The stalker… this is the guy who will move enough to take a point but will also camp enough to keep a point for a while before getting bored and trying to take a new point… depending on how smart they are about moving and how long they keep a point before moving these guys can win a match all on their own.. often moving around slow keeping points while moving enough to max out their KD and getting streaks to help the whole team… they play the balancing act of when to move and when to camp and when they move where do they move and how… these are your stalkers, the guy who always seems to be around the next corner… this is actually the role I think more people should shoot for…  when I do lots of running my score goes up but my KD goes down and I get fewer streaks, when I defend too long my score goes down but my KD goes up, but when I stalk both go up and I feel I have a greater impact on the game as a whole.. I get more streaks and keep more shit in the air raining down hell on the other team while keeping what we have and pushing what we don’t. Finding the balance is the key. 


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