scaleback's blog


Shared on Thu, 02/10/2011 - 12:43

T3 blops perks my opinions

Tac Mask... in its base form this one is ok, but nothing grand.. if you spend the time to get pro, this becomes a much better perk, one of the few that the pro makes such a big difference... the ability to almost ignore flash bangs is super, esp your own. one of the things I hate about using flash bangs is I flash myself as often as I flash the enemy.


Shared on Thu, 02/10/2011 - 12:43

T3 blops perks my opinions

Tac Mask... in its base form this one is ok, but nothing grand.. if you spend the time to get pro, this becomes a much better perk, one of the few that the pro makes such a big difference... the ability to almost ignore flash bangs is super, esp your own. one of the things I hate about using flash bangs is I flash myself as often as I flash the enemy.


Shared on Wed, 02/09/2011 - 11:53

T2 perks Blops my opinions

harden. while not as flashy as some of the other perks it does come in handy, and the pro is really nice given that flinch can cause you to lose some of those face to face gun fights. this is not a must have but its easy to unlock, and you start with the base perk. I like to have it on my LMG classes so I can blow through walls and such with ease.


Shared on Wed, 02/09/2011 - 11:53

T2 perks Blops my opinions

harden. while not as flashy as some of the other perks it does come in handy, and the pro is really nice given that flinch can cause you to lose some of those face to face gun fights. this is not a must have but its easy to unlock, and you start with the base perk. I like to have it on my LMG classes so I can blow through walls and such with ease.


Shared on Wed, 02/09/2011 - 09:51

T1 perks Blops my opinions

ok, so I played with a person last night who had not played the multi-player at all on blops yet.. started with some combat training and then jumped into the pool with the sharks...

it made me think about some of the things I have learned so far playing online so I figured I would post em out here for everyone. I will break em down into a couple posts I think just for ease of reading..
I will also post em out to my blog ( there is other helpful stuff out there too )

scales view on T1 perks..



Shared on Wed, 02/09/2011 - 09:51

T1 perks Blops my opinions

ok, so I played with a person last night who had not played the multi-player at all on blops yet.. started with some combat training and then jumped into the pool with the sharks...

it made me think about some of the things I have learned so far playing online so I figured I would post em out here for everyone. I will break em down into a couple posts I think just for ease of reading..
I will also post em out to my blog ( there is other helpful stuff out there too )

scales view on T1 perks..



Shared on Thu, 12/16/2010 - 15:58

Blops hidden areas and tricks

I wouldnt call any of these glitches most of them seem to be built the way they are and the rest just seem to be a matter of jumping. none of them are really that hard to do, and even if you dont care to use them its good to know they are there so you can spot someone that might be camping one of these spots. 




Shared on Thu, 12/16/2010 - 15:58

Blops hidden areas and tricks

I wouldnt call any of these glitches most of them seem to be built the way they are and the rest just seem to be a matter of jumping. none of them are really that hard to do, and even if you dont care to use them its good to know they are there so you can spot someone that might be camping one of these spots. 




Shared on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 14:06

Scale’s Dom Blops notes.

I play mostly Dom and have leveled 90% of my time in Dom, and a friend of mine who normally plays TDM has been asking for tips as he sucks at playing Dom, so I figured I would post what I wrote to him. 
For a Dom team to work there are some roles that need to be filled and then some roles that need to be minimized. The point of the game is to take and HOLD as many points as your team is able to. Often the taking happens but the holding does not and then some fool takes the 3rd point not knowing if anyone else is ready for the spawns to switch around.


Shared on Tue, 11/30/2010 - 14:06

Scale’s Dom Blops notes.

I play mostly Dom and have leveled 90% of my time in Dom, and a friend of mine who normally plays TDM has been asking for tips as he sucks at playing Dom, so I figured I would post what I wrote to him. 
For a Dom team to work there are some roles that need to be filled and then some roles that need to be minimized. The point of the game is to take and HOLD as many points as your team is able to. Often the taking happens but the holding does not and then some fool takes the 3rd point not knowing if anyone else is ready for the spawns to switch around.

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