

Shared on Thu, 06/03/2010 - 13:03

I just learned some news which makes me second think getting a Victory. Polaris is shutting down their Osceola, WI plant and moving it to Mexico. Senator Dave Obey is making a big stink about how un-American the decision is.

However, I can understand Polaris's situation. That plant makes the engines for their snowmobiles. Polaris has always had the Made in the USA on their logo so I am sure it was a tough decision. With the warm winters we have had the last several years snowmobile sales are down.  Combine that with our economy people are probably not buying recreational vehicles as much right now.

I am guessing for Polaris it was either stop making snowmobiles or save some money by moving production. If they stopped making snowmobiles a lot of people would be out of jobs, not just the Osceola factory. But then the question now would be is the Osceola plant already running at minimum number of people so laying people off doesn't work?

I doubt now they would bring production back to the US even if sales improve. So my dilema is do I not support Polaris for this move or do I support them with buying a Victory in hopes then they can afford to keep everything else in the US?


LtBlarg's picture
Submitted by LtBlarg on Sat, 02/07/2009 - 20:44
Inigo Montoya !!!
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 12:20
You are spending waaayyy toooo much time on!
ThePengwn's picture
Submitted by ThePengwn on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 12:24
I need the Inigo Montoya shirt, stat.
JPNor's picture
Submitted by JPNor on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 12:32
Cosa Nostra is cool and a great throwback to an obvious classic, but I'd personally go with the subtle Princess Bride reference.
KittenMag's picture
Submitted by KittenMag on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 12:46
I say Inigo Montoya!!!
williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Thu, 06/03/2010 - 16:27
Just go out and buy a low miles 88 cubic inch Harley. The prices on the 88's are absurdly low. Parts are readily available, you can customize it to your heart's content, they make a size for everyone.
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Thu, 06/03/2010 - 16:34
I've driven so many bikes. I explained in my last blog post why I am not fond of Harley. Also I don't want to spend a ton of money customizing the bike just so it stands out. Even with some customizing a Harley never really stands out. It's still the 80s boxy shape. Plus the Victory is 106c.i. :)
Habu06's picture
Submitted by Habu06 on Thu, 06/03/2010 - 16:49
Buy the Victory if you want, but that won't change anything. Polaris saves money buy moving the plant to Mexico because the overhead is lower and with NAFTA, there is no tariff. They can still keep the "Made in the USA" label if they assemble the bikes in the U.S even if the parts are made in another country.
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Thu, 06/03/2010 - 16:53
Habu, right. But my question is if I support Polaris by getting a Victory am I helping Polaris keep from doing this again? Or is it a wasted effort. Part of me really doesn't care because it is their snowmobile side and I'm never going to own a snowmobile. So that move won't directly influence the products I would buy from them.
Fish66's picture
Submitted by Fish66 on Thu, 06/03/2010 - 19:58
Buy American when ever if ever possible and encourage everyone else to do the same or WE will have to relocate soon.
RivalJJH's picture
Submitted by RivalJJH on Tue, 12/11/2007 - 15:30
Go with the living one.
Onesimos's picture
Submitted by Onesimos on Tue, 12/11/2007 - 15:34
I thought they were before and after pics. Take Rerun, better dancer. Besides, JJ is just annoying.
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Tue, 12/11/2007 - 15:35
On the bank above, the victorious Micmac warrior saw his rival sink into the blood-stained waters and lay still, the knife just a hair-breadth beyond his fingertips. He did not rise again. The fallen man's people found him a few hours later and tenderly rescued his body from the rippling waters of the creek. But when they tried to retrieve his bloody knife from the rock beneath him, it always slipped beyond their reach, though the creek was not deep.
rayrayfiftytwo's picture
Submitted by rayrayfiftytwo on Tue, 12/11/2007 - 15:39
I'm going with Rerun because I still try that dance when I get loaded
YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Tue, 12/11/2007 - 16:06
chello Casanova of the ghetto speaking
ElmanJo's picture
Submitted by ElmanJo on Tue, 12/11/2007 - 16:08
Always Rerun, Rayray, Rerun

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