Now an Xbox capture. However, I had to convert the video using a freeware app so it isn't the best quality. Apparently iMovie doesn;t like the file format the Game Capture uses. Though it is just H.264 with MP3 audio, an internet standard. I know for a fact iMovie can output to that, look at my other videos in my youtube channel.
If you look back a couple of blog posts I explained how the server merge and F2P screwed up DCUO. Well, a couple of updates later my tune has changed. The last two updates have been good and show SOE *is* listening to the players. Update 7 brought the lightning strikes DLC. Added electricy powers, and Centra City - flash missions. The Central City content has level 30 bounties and missions. There's actually a reason for levels 30s to go back into the open world now.