MLB 2k6 for 360


Shared on Mon, 04/24/2006 - 13:54
I have a semi-review on the forum of this.  I had to return it :( 
Quick summary:
I am going to buy this game.  Its a solid baseball game.  I has a great presentation, along with good pitching and batting controls.  The graphics are a little lacking but gameplay in a sports title is much more important.  Heck, I still play NHL 93/94 for the genesis.

The problem with baseball games is they are constantly coming up with something new that usually sucks.  There have been many pitching and batting schemes through out the history of baseball video games.  With this installment of MLB they added a new physics engine - Pure Motion Physics.  It effects everything in the game and for the most part is pretty good.  However it seriously lacks in fielding.

The problem with fielding is the physics to change direction are horribly slow.  Say you are running but want to change direction by 90 degrees.  In real life you plant your foot and pivot.  In the game you do a sweeping turn, which in some cases will sweep you around where the baseball is going to land.  Ive had two ground rule doubles happen because of that when it should have been an out.  This is a huge problem when fielding a fly that is going to land betweent he infield and outfield.  The computer will have an infielder selected.  So you are running back.  But then the computer decides the outfielder is the better choice ans switches you.  Well, now since you are push back you bring the outfielder to a halt.  The animation for this and to speed back up is very slow.

Diving is also wierd.  You can dive for a ball, you player will be in the circle where the ball is going to land, but it will bounce off the players back.  Ouch!  You really have to time your dives perfectly in order make a catch.  You can not even be off by an arms length.


doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Mon, 04/24/2006 - 14:20
So do you think its something I should get then? Im really unsure about it at this point. I do love Baseball games though
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Tue, 04/25/2006 - 10:07
The last baseball games I have played were World Series 2k2 on the dreamcast and Triple Play 2000 on the PC. Like with any sport games I tend to get one every 3-4 years. From year to year they dont change much so I find that span of time to be perfect. Like I said, Im getting it. I think it is excellent, other than getting use to the physics engine for fielding. Compared to the last games I played this one seems pretty good. The graphics arent quite there but I figure thats due to the fact they put this out on every major console. If they made a 360 only version then wed probably see better graphics. I have yet to try the online play. I did go to the online menu. I downloaded the extra statium and new roster. I didnt understand the lobby system. Its not like other games. I think there is only a set of 5-6 lobbies that people can go in. 2 beginner, 2 advanced, 1-2 custom. It doesnt seem like you can create your own. I hate public lobbies. You always get dweebs requesting a game from you when all you want is to play against a friend. Can I put returns into a reply? I noticed a couple of my replies have none, trying something with this reply.
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Tue, 04/25/2006 - 10:07
nope, my returns didn;t work, do I have to explicitly put in html?well see.

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