Uncharted 2


Shared on Fri, 03/05/2010 - 10:36

I got Uncharted 2 yesterday.  I liked the first Uncharted up until the zombies.  The game played as a typical Tomb Raider style game but with really good voice acting and animation.  It felt like you were in a movie.  But towards the end of the game when the zombies appeared it turned into a survival horror game.  Boo, if I wanted survuval horror I would play L4D or RE5. 

So far Uncharted 2 is just as good if not better than Uncharted 1.  The voice acting is awesome, storying telling is great.  The puzzles are a little easier than the first one though.  There are still times though when the game doesn't really give you clues on what you need to do next.  I like how the game rewards your curiosity.  I'll see a ledge or something I could probably get to and wonder what is there.  Usually a collectable is in those locations.  I found one in a quite difficult spot to get to.  I was climbing around this building just to check the view.  I see a twinkle below me in the sewer outlet.  Yep, treasure piece.

The big thing with Uncharted 1 and 2 is the level of detail.  It's amazing!  Many times you can just sit and stare at the background or start reading signs in streets and forget about what you were suppose to be doing.

However, I can speculate there is going to be some survival horror later on in the game.  I got to chapter 6 or 7 in one sitting.  I couldn't put it down.  So far in the story we are still looking for Marco Polo's treasure.  But with what has been happening I suspect the "dreadful" thing is not the treasure, but some type of monster or curse therefore the game will turn into survival horror again.  This comes from the blood trail you have to follow at some point.  Nathan suggests it is due to Marco Polo's men resorting to canabilism.  Some of those blood marks are big drag marks.  My suspicion then is for some reason only that dagger they found can kill it.

The game needs more sneaking around to steal treasure levels.  Stealing the green lamp with just tranq guns was a lot of fun.  They did a really good job of syncing your partner's actions with your own when you had to do double take outs.  Though once the AI guy was caught by the guards and I had to restart the checkpoint.

That reminds me, both uncharted 1 and 2 have a create save game system.  You can save at anytime, along with automatic checkpoint saves.  In a game like this it is how saves should work.

One thing I like in this version is you can be more stealthy.  Many areas you can try to take all the guards out using stealth.  This is nice because then you get to save on ammo.  I am always running out of ammo in the gun fights.  That then means I have to run out into the open, pick weapon up and nearly get killed doing so.  What really sucks is if the only weapon you can pick up is the shotgun then you can get screwed and have to restart the checkpoint.

I haven't tried multiplayer yet.  I was in the multiplayer beta and it seemed cool.  Third person multiplayers aren't a big thing for me.  I like graw.  I don't like gears.  I tried 3rd person mw2, yuck.  The problem with 3rd person is often the camera position can become a problem.


BlowMonkey's picture
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Fri, 03/05/2010 - 10:58
Great game. The MP is great - we're playing Sunday night if you want to hop in with some friendly folk! Chapter 6 was great (I think that is the building one?). The game gets a little long around chapter 19 20 etc. but overall a really fun ride.
godWHYme's picture
Submitted by godWHYme on Fri, 03/05/2010 - 16:03
At this point, being a socom fan, totally interested in heavy rain and uncharted. And interested in getting a blu - ray player would you say that a ps3 would be worth it? and do you use that much of the hard drive or would the 120 gig be ok to use.
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Fri, 03/05/2010 - 17:22
gwm: I mainly use my PS3 as a bluray player. Hd movies rock. However, if that is the main reason to get a PS3 today I wouldn't do it. You can get a good bluray player that is upgradable for $150. I also use it for Netflix and streaming videos from my PC. The PS3 is a lot quieter than the Xbox. Plus the Netflix interface is easier to use than the Xbox. However, with the PS3 you do get the added bonus of being able to play games. Uncharted is totally worth getting a PS3 for. Many of the PS3 only games are worth getting. 2old2resist is a very active clan. Unfortunately for me they are so active I can't keep up. If there is a clan that has a bad case of gaming ADD it is them. I recently upgraded my 40gig PS3 with a 160gig hard drive. I was running out of space. Between game installs, PSN games, and full downloaded games like Burnout Paraside I had little room to download bigger demos like the GOW3 demo. The PS3 uses more hard drive than the 360. Many game require a large install tot he hard drive. Metal Gear Solid 4 installs on a per chapter basis. Taht isn;t a negative, it's actually a positive. Because the hard drive is required the devs know there should be room. The only negative is if you have a small drive you will fill it up quickly. The 120gig model should be fine. If you ever fill it up it is easy to upgrade the hard drive.
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Fri, 03/05/2010 - 21:37
The story just keeps getting better and better. Revealing of the map was awesome.

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