Windows 8...


Shared on Mon, 01/09/2012 - 09:22 not a desktop OS - it is a tablet OS.


buckeye75's picture
Submitted by buckeye75 on Mon, 01/09/2012 - 10:46
Awe fuck. The new XBOX dashboard is taking over our computers. The sure the fuck hope that is a tablet only type of interface.
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Mon, 01/09/2012 - 10:55
Sadly, that is what Windows 8 is going to be like. You can still get to the classic desktop though.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 01/09/2012 - 10:58
From my understanding you can put it into a 'traditional' desktop and turn that tile shit off. It looks cool for tablets but that's not gonna fly in an office environment.
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Mon, 01/09/2012 - 11:01
Tank, I have to figure that part out. Right now it is a pain to work with on a desktop. Shutting the computer down is a lot of steps! But then this is a dev preview - not the final product.
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Mon, 01/09/2012 - 11:02
I am definitely getting a windows tablet once 8 comes out though. I see a lot more use out of a windows tablet than iPad or Android. I will be making a Metro jukebox software. A tablet would be perfect for my jukebox project.

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