quest for kids update


Shared on Tue, 06/15/2010 - 11:01

Latest on my quest for saving my kids from their crazy ass mother.

Here in Colorado. Had to do four  things (other than hang out and spend time with my kids)

1. Have Interview and psych eval with a psychiatrist - CHECK.

2. Be observed by psychiatrist with my kids - CHECK

3. Go to PEW (psycho ex wife)'s DUI hearing to see if she gets convicted. - CHECK - not the check I wanted, but it will do. She decided that a jury trial was not in her best interest, so she pleaded guilty, so I didn't get to go to a hearing and see her squirm on the stand - total bummer. This is her 2nd DUI that she has plead guiilty to.

4. Meet with lawyer to strategize on how to do the hearing - I gave him some insights on how he should "poke" her on the stand. He'll basically be able to address all her lies on the stand and catch her in all of her obfuscations and inconsistencies.


It is a VERY hard battle for a dad to get his kids away from their mother, even if all indications show that she is NOT a person that should be even raising a dog, let alone four kids. and it is costing me a huge chunk of my retirement. But worth every penny. My kids need saving.

This time here in CO was very productive. I think I have a chance. In July it will be 5 years since the PEW took the kids and moved out here - i've been trying to get them back ever since.

Lastly, interesting tidbit of info - after my interview with the Psych - he made a comment about PEW. He said, and i quote - "She is ODD!". Emphasis on odd. To have the supposedly impartial psychiatrist tell me this is actually very good for me. FINALLY a third party sees her for who she is. The question is - is she odd enough to warrant him making a recomendation for the kids to go to me? Stay tuned...



YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Tue, 06/15/2010 - 11:04
Best of luck. Hope it all works out for you.
Fish66's picture
Submitted by Fish66 on Tue, 06/15/2010 - 11:10
Good Luck Dude, it sounds like your almost done with this round.

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