Sooner than we though


Shared on Sat, 03/27/2010 - 08:33

This is the year. The year that we the payers of social security will pay into the system less money than the payees of social security receive in benefits.


This article lays it out pretty succinctly and even has some very easy to read graphs. I would advise all who have socialistic tendencies to read it. Socialism is NOT sustainable. it may work for a decade or two (or 5) but eventually, it caves in on itself.


I have to think about this because i have parents that are depending on SS because they were told the lie that it will always be there for them. They didn't plan for anything else. I know... not smart. but it is the reality I have to deal with. I wish there was a viable option that made sense and wasn't so politically charged. Could we step off the mari-go-round for just one cycle and have a couple of smart economists step in and fix things financially, then let the bleeding hearts back in?




bludjun's picture
Submitted by bludjun on Sun, 03/28/2010 - 03:04
How dare you point out socialism doesn't work. You, sir, must be a racist.
Rayne46's picture
Submitted by Rayne46 on Sun, 03/28/2010 - 03:55
Well, BHO does have Warren Buffet as a financial advisor, but I'm not sure he's listening to him. Our party system needs to drop all the political crap and work together to fix what's broken and leave what works alone.

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