81 - Deleted Threads and Column Writing


Shared on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 11:29
Let's see if we can make this a quickie.

I'm trying to start a guild of my own up in WoW for casual players, no raiding aspirations, just chilled out mature players. Hopefully. I've been advertising for it around the web, and posted a short recruitment thread in the forums here for it, which was promptly deleted for violating the Terms of Service. I don't agree to be honest, but I'm not stupid enough to argue with a forum mod, so never mind.

For the record though, this is not and recruitment drive for my guild, which will remain un-named. Do not contact me regarding membership please.

On a lighter and brighter note, both Tornik and Verbatim are pimped out like mo-fo's in WoW now. My Epic Riding Skill fund has taken a serious beating, but I'm not that bothered. I'd started to feel bad that Tornik had been left behind a little. Verbatim had been easier to gear up in the past when I was playing more, as it's a damn sight easier to get a group going when you're a Priest as opposed to being a Druid. Still, a little theorycrafting and some focused quest-running later and Tornik had some reasonable trinkets and accesories, followed by some dedicated Auction House trawling, and he's looking rather more respectable. My most expensive purcahse for him was 700g on an epic chest piece (which looks exactly the same as his old one) I bought last weekend from a player who turned out to be the current GM of the guild I was in waaaaay back, before they kicked me over a stupid mistake. I probably blogged about that a while ago, but I might go over it again in the near future.

I've been working on some material for my up-coming column. I've got one pretty much done and dusted, I may polish it up slightly tonight, and I've just finished another one that I'm going to run by one of the leads, as I think it might not get approved. I wouldn't blame them if they don't ok it, considering the subject material. But I'd probably better not say anything about it yet, just in case.


XSSmoke's picture
Submitted by XSSmoke on Tue, 10/30/2007 - 12:13
Why dont you join one of the site guilds? My Alliance guild here has a ton of fun and downed The Prince, High King and Gruul this weekend. We also have a horde guild somewhere...
snakemeister's picture
Submitted by snakemeister on Wed, 10/31/2007 - 04:10
I wish I could, really, but the guild needs to be EU-side though, and pretty much everyone is over on the other side of the pond unfortunately :(

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