

Shared on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 17:15
Eep - just applied for a new job. WoW Insider put up an post, inviting people to apply for a job with the Joystiq Network either as a blogger or columnist about MMOs, presumably about WoW in general, but it wasn't specific. I've just sent off my application, even though I have left a bit late. I'm applying as a columnist, since there's no way I'd be able to blog as much as they're looking for - wish me luck.

Also, my models from Games Workshop arrived - I'll be getting started on them over the weekend hopefully, I'm squeezing in time on the Brewfest event in WoW, which seems to be recovering from the truly shocking amount of bugs it arrived with. I'm actually working on a post about that, which I'll copy here once I'm done with it.

On an unrelated note - just saw this advert on TV again, thought I'd share it with you - a work of genius.



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