

Shared on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 14:13
I am deliriously tired just now. If I let my concentration slip, my eyes fall closed, and I become a cloud upon the wind, which becomes a sheep upon a hill, the wind tugging through his/her fleece, which becomes the wind caressing the grass upon said hill.
Even less concentration and the very world around me slips away. I find myself in that very rare state of dreaming while still standing. Or sitting - I did fall asleep in the car on the way home from Glasgow today. I was informed that I held a conversation while I was asleep, which is an extremely interesting turn of events.

So, the long and the dhort of it is that I have been awake for nearlt 48 hours now, and I am quiite worried that I have NOT started to hallucinate yet. Although, I did think I was earlier, but it turned out to be the front window screen wipers squeaking.

Does that count?


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