Whose to Say Whose Blog is Better - Blog Envy


Shared on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 18:00
Maybe its just me, but I don't care if my blog stays in the top 4, if people like what I have to say, or if people decide to post pictures and videos in their blogs.  I mean a blog is a feature of the site that allows people to post whatever is on their mind whether that be a music video, a picture of a half naked lady, or a truly introspective look at life, or just a daily update.  It becomes more complicated because of the coveted "Top 4 Blog" spot at the top of the site.  But because of the number of people blogging, and not enough people voting positively or negatively for the top 4 blog, nature takes over and new blogs take over the top 4. 

But let's think about this "thumbs up/thumbs down" blog voting system.  This is to determine whether or not people think in their opinion the blog they just read belongs in the top 4.  Two people will read the same blog and could have very differing opinions of said blog.  But say you vote that a blog doesn't belong in the top four. Oh no, now that person has a -1 for that blog, this means that people don't like who they are as a person and their views are not appreciated, and they have to leave the site because they aren't among like minded people.  People don't seem to understand that a vote down on your blog doesn't mean that someone doesn't like you as a person but they feel that the blog doesn't belong in the top 4.  Unfortunately not enough people seem to take part in the voting system (myself included) so it doesn't really work to begin with.

I think everyone just needs to take a chill pill when it comes to things regarding this site.  Yes it is a community and a community cannot exist without its members.  But just because someone doesn't like what you have to say, or you don't like that someone post game videos, or music videos, or half naked women, doesn't mean that the system has to change.  Everyone has different preferences when it comes to their blog readings.  I personally enjoy "reading" Soup Nazi's crazy pictures and stories of stupid ass people.  Similarly, I know if I read Doodi's blog it is sometihng site related.  I read Tanks blog for the latest news from the various game news sites.  I read some people's blogs that I can't stand reading just because it is like a train wreck I have to see what they came up with next. 

The top 4 system will never work because someone will always think that their blog belongs in the top 4 more than another persons.  I am not writing this blog to get into the top 4, in fact leave me at 5,6,7, or 8.  People here have blog envy.  Just like people abused Karma, blog voting will be abused as well.  It is human nature unfortunately.  I'm not a negative person and I look on the bright side of life, but this constant bickering between members from one blog to another is just childish.  If you don't like a person's blog, fine, don't read it.  If I person wants to post 4 times so their blog is the only one up there, that's their perogative (sp?) under the current system.  Is it fair or just? No its not.  But unfortunately life isn't fair. 

If you enjoy reading introspective blogs and blogs of substance, just bookmark them.  If you enjoy looking at half naked women, bookmark those blogs. 

I say just get rid of the top 4 altogether, and let people who want to read blogs search them out.  I read most of the blogs I do because of the top 4, but if it is going to cause this much undue stress and resentment in the community I don't think it is worth it.  


Raiz3R's picture
Submitted by Raiz3R on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 18:08
Well said....
Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 18:16
From Doodie's blog: "Voting will become public again since they will no long determine what happens to the blog when its in the top four. This means that spamming thumbs down wont affect the blog at all. Instead the voting will be used to show appreciation for the blog." http://www.2old2play.com/Blog/Permalink/2/8319
Stridog's picture
Submitted by Stridog on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 18:17
I read that but I appreciate you posting it here Kwazy. I actually left a comment in that blog as well.
Fetal's picture
Submitted by Fetal on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 18:19
i don't disagree, but i feel people who blog, want their blogs to be read. the very nature of the blog voting system allows blogs to be removed from the top 25 in less than a day. add to the fact people were blanket voting down blogs not their own and abusing the blog voting system to make their blogs stay up longer add the fact people who could blog something once or twice a day were blogging four or five times a day with only one sentence of informtion people who blog once a week were getting very little visibility. i think the system, which was set up to kep blogs visible and encourage reading pople's blogs, was transformed into a system that purged the top 25 of blogs much quicker than what was intended. doodi has implemented changes to correct this and i hope they work.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 18:21
shouldnt you be drunk or something since it is your birthday?! oh wait lol that was last night.
TheCrazyPerson's picture
Submitted by TheCrazyPerson on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 18:30
Well said Stridog!
doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 19:16
Fetal actually sums it up nicely. The intent of the vote system did not become a reality, so now we are changing the rules. The purpose of the top 4 still holds true. It allows people to see new blogs on every page of the web site. So instead of making the system about who votes on what, its just about the blogs. Now voting will only matter to the author, it plays no roll on the actual place in the site. Also, by taking away multiple blogs from the same author in the top 4, it leaves even more room for those blogs to be discovered. Even more so, now every blog has a "Friends Posts" on the side bar so people can see the most recent blogs of the authors bookmarks. So instead of placing emphasis on the voting system, we are simply trying to find new ways to show off more blogs. In fact in the near future the whole way the site is viewed may change forever. I cant say much on that right now though..

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