Special super-sized deluxe limited edition


Shared on Fri, 08/31/2007 - 08:32
I went to Gamestop the other day to pick up a copy of All Pro Football 2k8 and figured I'd browse and see what else was there before making that purchase. On the shelf of Xbox games I found a Limited Edition copy of Getting Up:Contents Under Pressure for $20. It's a game I already own, but I made the snap decision to pick this up anyway. I am a sucker for special features and limited editions. If a DVD has only the movie on it, I'm not interested. I'll wait and pay for the 4 disc special edition with a gazillion hours of extras. If a super duper special edition comes out. I will get rid of my special edition and pick up the super duper one. If a game is coming out in a limited edition, I'm going to grab that instead of the game only release. Since games are much more expensive than DVDs, I don't have very many special editions of games. I have the special editions of Splinter Cell, Doom 3 and Jade Empire, but I am skipping the Halo 3 and Bioshock special editions. I won't have the money. So do you have a weakness for special editions? Or could you care less?


Cold's picture
Submitted by Cold on Fri, 08/31/2007 - 08:34
That GTA lockbox looks pretty cool but other than that I just want the games.
jasontroyhimself's picture
Submitted by jasontroyhimself on Fri, 08/31/2007 - 09:10
I'm definitely not a big fan of the limited/special edition stuff but there was ONE that I thought was pretty cool.. When I bought the Halo 2 LE, the instruction manual was written in Covenant language! -Jas
supergg2k's picture
Submitted by supergg2k on Fri, 08/31/2007 - 09:13
Cold: I agree with you on the lock box. Since the game has been delayed, I'll have time to save my pennies. JThimself: I keep looking for that used at Gamestop, no luck.

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