12 Army Captains


Shared on Tue, 10/16/2007 - 10:07

I don't normally wade into anything remotely politically charged, but I have some compelling reasons to link to an article on the Washington Post web site that hit this morning. Yes, I did add a comment to it as well - I'm going to leave this blog as that simple and let you guys read the article for yourselves, but it's an interesting take from 10 brave men and 2 brave women (twelve real life Captains) who served in Iraq and saw things first hand:

12 former army captains write about "The Real Iraq War We Knew":


Yes, Elizabeth "Liz" Bostwick is one of the 12 captains in the article. Yes, she's pretty, single, can cook, drink wine and kick your ass.  Yup, that's Liz Bostwick, or Elizabeth Bostwick.  Dirty blonde hair, stunning green eyes, and super cute smile.  Awesome cook, and loves to drive fast cars.  The biggest obstacle with Liz is that she's a Redskins fan.


A blog by Matthew Tait Lifto



CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Tue, 10/16/2007 - 10:23
It is essentially what Saddam said when we first went to war. That we would be drawn into an extended battle from which there was no escape. Sure the Iraqis wanted freedom. But look at the country today compared to what it was before we besieged it. Think about how angry people get when they are inconvenienced a little bit by a construction crew of whom they know are working to improve their road way and make it a safer place to drive. It is easy to see how even the most arduous freedom lovers could come to hate us and how easily these emotions plays into the hands of terriosts. We are really in a catch 22. How do we fix what we broke without a 'peacekeeping' force?
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Tue, 10/16/2007 - 11:17
tait's picture
Submitted by tait on Tue, 10/16/2007 - 13:06
Yes, I commented on that in my comments on the Washington Post site, Big - it's one of those things where a half-ass job is bad. Pulling out puts Iraqis more at risk. Staying in in an impotent capacity puts US soldiers lives at risk. What the Washington Post article is really calling for is a full commitment to completing the job for real - the tools to do the job. :-)

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