Blog Envy


Shared on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 15:20

I have blog envy.

It's true - and weird, I'm convinced.  Maybe it's not weird, but it feels weird when I type it - "blog envy".  How the hell is that possible?  I'll tell you what I mean, first:  I'm envious when I read a blog that has a lot of comments, especially a lot of long comments.  I compare that entry to my blog entries to see if I get that response and if not, I'm jealous!  LOL - it's like high school all over again and has become a new popularity contest for me.  In fact, I've NOT written blogs before just because I don't think I'll get any comments and I'll feel like I wasted my time.  So, I'm pretty sure I don't just blog for myself...

Honestly, it takes too long for someone like me to write a blog because I'm ADD - thoughts occur in my head in sporadic order with connecting disconnects that make no "essay sense" - and by that, I mean laid out like you would an essay with a thesis/opening statement, then the supporting arguments and a conclusion.  My thoughts leap about - so, for me to actually order them into a "blog" is actually very hard work.  And, typing is much slower than thinking.  So, I only want to take time to blog if there's some sort of impact - not to just sit there unread and uncommented on (which is my evidence of it having been read, since there is no "unique visitor counter" for my blog).


I know it - I feel it, but that's what it's like being me - actually reading a blog and thinking, "Wow - they get more of a response than me, they must have more friends".  Yeah, I was lonely growing up, but I'm not nearly the same now as I was then - these are my demons that I rescued from childhood and keep stowed away on my back, just enough to remind me of my youth, but no longer controlling my actions.

So, for now, I write to exorcise some and exercise more - to get over my comment-field fixation and blog for blogging's sake.  Perhaps one day I'll even look back on these humble beginnings and learn something...


doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 15:30
commenting to help your ego.
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 15:34
lol, well since you posted this closely after Avril's, let me repeat an astute observation of LadyInRed's. You don't need to be more clever or funny or talented at writing. If you want popularity, get yourself some hoobs!
Lonewolf's picture
Submitted by Lonewolf on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 15:58
I will be your friends, ok couldnt help myself tait :-) Yes we all have our demons to deal with, kudos to you for talking about them openly.
Stryker927's picture
Submitted by Stryker927 on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 17:44
We love you man! GROUP HUG!
Avril's picture
Submitted by Avril on Mon, 07/31/2006 - 20:31
I've read all your blogs tait, I just don't comment on all of them. It's easy to be popular when you are the small amount of estrogen in an ocean of testosterone. Which is a whole 'nother topic to obsess about....are people truly my friends? or do they just like to be around one of the only girls who play FPS's?? At least you know they like you just for you....geek;)

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