Ignorance Is Bliss


Shared on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 15:07

I wish I was stupidly ignorant about the world - that I did NOT have an analytical mind that breaks down even the smallest nuance. Ignorance? Truly bliss.

If this blog makes no sense to you, I think you're already winning. If it does, then the irony of agreement makes me smile and shudder at the same time.

Blog by Matthew Tait Lifto


Stryker927's picture
Submitted by Stryker927 on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 15:13
Yeah, but ignorance gives us no power to make decisions or empower us to be better at what we do. I'll take knowledge, empowerment, and accountability any day. :) P.S. Also, cheese is bliss, ignorance is a few rungs down still. ;)
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 15:14
Then you know exactly what I was talking about in that one thread...I noticed the nuance too.
Aonon's picture
Submitted by Aonon on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 15:21
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
tait's picture
Submitted by tait on Tue, 08/21/2007 - 09:35
me either, codemonkey. me either
codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Mon, 08/20/2007 - 16:57
I understand the concept of ignorance, bliss and analytical, I just don't understand your blog. :-)
RhyoOhki's picture
Submitted by RhyoOhki on Wed, 10/01/2008 - 10:13
the rednecks are disturbing. the tit bouncer is nice though
Cynical_Hermit's picture
Submitted by Cynical_Hermit on Wed, 10/01/2008 - 10:36
Yep. RhyoOhki pretty much sums it up there.
LadiesLuvMe's picture
Submitted by LadiesLuvMe on Wed, 10/01/2008 - 10:46
On that first clip ... isn't that Sys talking and Malice driving?
Dahji's picture
Submitted by Dahji on Wed, 10/01/2008 - 17:49
Something wasn't quite kosher with those hillfolk... the four wheeler was brand new, and there was a really nice house in the background. Something's fishy there. And why the fuck do I get the skid-mark? Ho.

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