

Shared on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 13:08

I swear, there are some days I just want to stop posting - it's amazing how many people can only respond to a post with negativity by pointing out a flaw, or something that they deem is "missing".  Like complaining about the video feature of Halo 3 because you can't view videos online (um, ok - but what about the positive that they even added video viewing and sharing at all?  Why COMPLAIN about a "feature" in that fashion?  I mean, a wish list is one thing, but an actual complaint?  *sigh*)

It's just annoying.  There are so many ways to make a point.  Consider this:


POST:  XYZ company has released a new article that details all the widgets in "ReallyCoolGame" - it's a very nice document that is over 50mb.  Here is a LINK.

COMMENT: This doc sucks - they left out 2 things.


POST:  XYZ company has released a new article that details all the widgets in "ReallyCoolGame" - it's a very nice document that is over 50mb.  Here is a LINK.

COMMENT: Wow - what a comprehensive document!  This is probably around 99% complete and a great trainer for all of us.  I also note that there's 2 items that seem to be left off this document.  I'll share them with you with specific information that I'll also forward on to the site that created the doc so it can get updated!

Obviously, the second one is the best - what good does it do just to be negative?  How does that help anyone?  I mean, it's amazing that on a "mature site" that people still just "go negative" without actually furthering anything good.  Shooting something down or saying "it's missing something" doesn't do any good.  How are you building it better?  Are you being negative, or offering something up as well?  Don't be a half-glass-empty person!  Bring something to the table.  Take the beginnings of someone else's post or information and BUILD on it, don't TEAR IT DOWN.



JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 13:12
Thumbs up for complaining about I see the fluff comments and the "to prove I read it comments". I am guilty of some of those myself. But overall, the comments on this site do seem to be on point and a discussion of the topic offered. Howz that? MWAH!
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 13:29
Man didn't realize you could complain about this type of stuff, nice write up.
tait's picture
Submitted by tait on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 13:29
@JeepChick - That's stupid! j/k - yeah, the majority are, you are correct. I think maybe I'd need to revise my "thesis" to be more pointed at the "repeat offenders"? The ones that are consistently negative. But, there's nothing you can do about it on a public forum (not really - not without starting a feud/flamewar/pillow fight). It seems easier to deal with those people in real life to me, honestly, than on a public forum. But, I'm also in love with cheese, so it's hard to know what the hell I'm talking about most of the time.
tait's picture
Submitted by tait on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 10:56
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 14:30
You're complaining about complaining? Well i'm complaining about you complaining about people complaining. :lol:
tait's picture
Submitted by tait on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 15:46
*rolls eyes at anyone that can't grasp a simple point*
OrzoKhan's picture
Submitted by OrzoKhan on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 17:46
Now he's rolling his eyes at people complaining about complaining! Just give him some more cheese and all will be well! Seriously, good post and I get your point. I also usually don't respond to a blog unless I feel like I have something usefull to add.
dkhodz's picture
Submitted by dkhodz on Mon, 10/08/2007 - 15:32
You forgot to mention the... um, nevermind.

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