Satan's Savior?


Shared on Sun, 02/24/2008 - 11:08

I was wondering while driving yesterday:

Can Satan become a Christian?

I mean, I don't subscribe to the idea of this great force of "evil" that is present everywhere - I think that absolves responsibility too much for rational thinkers, so I prefer to think that we all make free choices, blah blah.  But, if you're the kingpin of the supposed evil empire, are you capable of change?  And, if you were capable of change, would you get the same treatment as those further down the scale of "evil" deeds?  Does Jesus dying on the cross only cover the sins of humans who call on His name, or would angels be covered too?  In effect, could Lucifer follow John 3:16 and have a deluxe condo down the street from one of us in Heaven?

Just a musing.


Raiz3R's picture
Submitted by Raiz3R on Sun, 02/24/2008 - 11:56
All the more reason why I have a hard time believing in Religion.
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Sun, 02/24/2008 - 13:06
There is no indication in Scripture, to my knowledge, that angels or fallen angels are subject too or are partakers of the same treatments from God that humans are. Every verse that deals with salvation is directed specifically at fallen man, not angels. There are verses (I should probably take the time to look them up but I'm feeling lazy) that deal with fallen angels who are in chains and being reserved for a final judgement. From Revelations, we already know the fate of Satan, so I guess the simple answer is "no". It is interesting to note that Satan knows who Christ is, even in a way beyond what any living human does, yet still does not believe in His power and purposes. It's not enough just to know there's "a god" or give verbal testimony to it, you must believe.
dkhodz's picture
Submitted by dkhodz on Sun, 02/24/2008 - 14:31
Oh boy, Tait. I'm gonna wait a few thousand years before I answer this one...
Azuredreams's picture
Submitted by Azuredreams on Sun, 02/24/2008 - 16:02
I liken discussions about religion and the bible to those my friends and I used to have about rules in the dungeon master's guide. Both of which are works of fiction yet none the less addicting.
agedsandshark's picture
Submitted by agedsandshark on Mon, 03/03/2008 - 05:23
The fact that you are curious is a good thing dont stop at that look in to it I sugest a book called The Case for Christ it is very good can help answer a lot of questions. I have to agree with BigOne on that Satan knows God and has turned his back on him so I dont think that he wants salvation. If you didnt have evil how would know good??
tait's picture
Submitted by tait on Thu, 02/28/2008 - 07:38
@ Raiz3r: ? Not sure I understand why a pondering or question leads you to such an extreme statement - please elaborate :-) and, just to be clear, it may be easier to categorize and label things, but I don't personally enjoy having this swept into "oh that's religion" and forgotten about. While my query is the product of a curious mind that wanders, I'm too logical to believe that everything we know and see happened through evolution out of a Big Bang theory that sprouted out of... um, nothing (breaking the very basic rules of science). The complexity of human personality alone prompts me to believe in something more.
Flying_Saffa's picture
Submitted by Flying_Saffa on Thu, 03/06/2008 - 14:57
You have me thinking now too. I gave my life to Christ about 10 years ago and have never actually pondered that question. Nor have I ever heard it discussed at church. I will certainly be posing that question to some of the people at church on the weekend. Also @ Raiz3r - Don't confuse religion with Christianity. Many different religion (with different sets of rules/beliefs) Christianity, while essentially the same, teaches us to submit our lives to God and live "in the world" but not be "of the world". tait, I like your take on the big bang theory and evolution. Mine is slightly simpler however, if we evolved from amoeba to apes to humans, why are apes still present today? Slow learners perhaps?

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