In your facebook


Shared on Wed, 06/18/2008 - 13:32

I can haz Facebook?

Man, am I ever addicted to Facebook.  If you haven't already added me as a friend, go ahead - my profile is at  It's not just Facebook that I love (it really is fascinating to me that I am connecting with people from all different stages of my life), it's all kinds of Internet applications.  Today, I added Toodledo to my repoirte - it's a "To Do" tracking system.  What drew me to it was that it's easy to use, highly customizable, and most importantly - has a very slick iPhone interface.  It even has a cool "booklet" printing system so you can print out a tiny, foldable to-do list to take with you.  And, with ADD, you can definitely believe that I need a good To Do list system.  Right now, my "system" consists largely of quick notes jotted down on the nearest available piece of paper or post-it, which inevitably leads to misplaced lists.  Or, even odder, finding a list (undated, of course) with a bunch of items on it.  "Milk".  Do I still need milk?  When did I write this?  Did I ever get the milk I so obviously needed at the time?  Is that milk still in the trunk of my car?

One weird thing, though, about the sheer number of online social networking sites I've gotten involved in is that my worlds are all kinds of colliding now.  I have job candidates that are on my Facebook or Twitter account side by side with childhood friends, acquaintances from church, random people met on the very site I'm on, family members, etc, etc.  It's odd.  Not unsettling, just very different than the childhood of my youth (I'm coining this phrase right here right now).  I'm all for it, I suppose - but it is interesting when I post a "status" that has to do with one aspect of my life and another aspect of my life inquires about it.

I love cheese.


Mandingo's picture
Submitted by Mandingo on Thu, 06/19/2008 - 11:14
That crap is just way to much information for me. No way I want all you douches knowing who I really am. Privacy is the beauty of the internet. I'm still trying to beat that into my stupid niece and nephew. The internet is still the best way to have crazy people show up at your door unannounced.
dkhodz's picture
Submitted by dkhodz on Wed, 06/18/2008 - 14:14
Makes me proud to have written on your facebook Wall just before you posted this.
tait's picture
Submitted by tait on Wed, 06/18/2008 - 15:16
@dk - i was wondering at the wild coincidence.

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