Do you hate cheaters?


Shared on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 13:02

If you're like me then you play a lot of Modern Warfare 2. I think the last time I checked my time played was somewhere around the 400-hour mark. So yeah, I play a lot.


Coincidentally, I also hate cheaters. I loathe them. I despise them. They are pretty much the worst thing on this planet. Not only have I caused my twin five-year-olds to become addicted to video games, but I have also informed them that if I ever, EVER catch them cheating at video games, they won't play another one while they live in my house.


In my estimation, video game cheaters are on the same level as thieves. I spend money--MY money, hard-earned money--on the games that I play. And I play by the rules. The value that I derive from those games is based on the premise that everyone else will play by the same rules. When the cheaters start breaking those rules they also negatively impact the value I derive from the game, and therefore the money I spent goes to waste.


Modern Warfare 2 is a haven for cheaters. The game is so popular and also so full of holes, that a good 25% of matches played feature some kind of cheating: glitching, boosting, falsifying level/prestige, modifying gamertags, etc. 


So I have found a kind of therapy in booster hunting. If you're unfamiliar with the term, it's basically a legitimate way to identify and harass Modern Warfare 2 players who falsely attempt to boost their kill count and/or obtain a tactical nuke. And these boosters are EVERYWHERE. Most prominently they hide in matches of Free-For-All, where they partner up with a buddy (defying the game's rules, of course), hide in a corner, and use the tactical insertion equipment to constantly respawn. Their buddy just keeps killing them and racking up his kill count. 


The beautiful part is that boosters are easily identified, found, and dealt with. I credit an XBox user/YouTube poster calling himself "Sandy Ravage" with teaching me the way of booster justice. And I've begun recording and posting my own quests for booster justice on YouTube.


If you are so inclined as to commiserate with me, check it out:



CMA's picture
Submitted by CMA on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 15:08
TheBookNerd's picture
Submitted by TheBookNerd on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 15:43
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 17:51
Armorsmith76's picture
Submitted by Armorsmith76 on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 22:13
Welcome to my world. Allow me to whore out a thread I started on this subject. Good hunting.
Manco's picture
Submitted by Manco on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 16:37
Yep your not alone.... Not only do I feel cheated about the cost of the game,but the pleasure from good clean online battling,also the monthly charge off SKY for my broadband.Plus I'm the same with my 10 & 8yr old lads about all boosting,glitching etc.Drives me crackers.Gonna check out ol'Sandy Ravage on yotube now & see if it might give me the inclination to go back & at least clear the last 10 levels to reach 70,been spec oping & just 3 short of the 69. Laters
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 02/24/2010 - 13:23
THat's why I left and probably won't buy another COD title at all . The popularity of the series attracts too many shady gamers and I don't find the online experience fun. I'd rather play off the beaten path multiplayer games like bioshock2, the low player count means much less cheating. I have 20 hours logged in Bio2 MP and haven't once come across a cheater.

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