TheBookNerd's blog


Shared on Sun, 11/06/2011 - 13:21

PS3 question

 Hey, folks. We just got our first-ever PS3 at our house. We've been XBox 360 gamers for a long time, so we're not noobs in general, but just where the PS3 is concerned.


Shared on Wed, 04/27/2011 - 11:35


I like to talk about myself. A lot.

And I like to talk about games.

If I have the opportunity to talk about myself AND games...shit. Game over. I can do that all day long.


Shared on Wed, 04/27/2011 - 11:35


I like to talk about myself. A lot.

And I like to talk about games.

If I have the opportunity to talk about myself AND games...shit. Game over. I can do that all day long.


Shared on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 08:23

Looking for a used pink DS

 My little two-year-old girl is insanely jealous of her older brothers' DS's. She won't leave them alone. 


Then this morning, she walks up to my wife and says, "Mama! DS! Pink! Me!"


So I'm now looking for a cheap, used pink DS that she can fool around with and that will keep her from messing with her brothers' machines. I don't need games or chargers or cases or anything. Just the DS itself. And I don't need a DSi or a DSXL or DS Lite or anything special. It just needs to be pink and it needs to turn on so she can marvel at the blinky lights.



Shared on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 08:23

Looking for a used pink DS

 My little two-year-old girl is insanely jealous of her older brothers' DS's. She won't leave them alone. 


Then this morning, she walks up to my wife and says, "Mama! DS! Pink! Me!"


So I'm now looking for a cheap, used pink DS that she can fool around with and that will keep her from messing with her brothers' machines. I don't need games or chargers or cases or anything. Just the DS itself. And I don't need a DSi or a DSXL or DS Lite or anything special. It just needs to be pink and it needs to turn on so she can marvel at the blinky lights.



Shared on Wed, 02/16/2011 - 19:40

Max-leveled in AC: Brotherhood? Your thoughts?

I love Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. It's immersive, beautiful, challenging, addictive, exciting, intense... And that's just the single-player campaign!


Shared on Wed, 02/16/2011 - 19:40

Max-leveled in AC: Brotherhood? Your thoughts?

I love Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. It's immersive, beautiful, challenging, addictive, exciting, intense... And that's just the single-player campaign!


Shared on Mon, 12/06/2010 - 08:56

Camping: It's a legitimate strategy (in Renaissance Italy)

 I felt an update was in order after I accused Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood of failing at its multiplayer component... After spending some more time with it (I've leveled up to 22, I think.), I have to say this is one of my favorite multiplayer experiences of all time. Yes, the matchmaking is, at times, terribly broken. And yes, there is the occasional Timmy who just sprints around getting as many cheap 100-point kills as he can. But those are all exceptions. It seems that most of the time it is good. And when it is good, it is really, really good.



Shared on Mon, 12/06/2010 - 08:56

Camping: It's a legitimate strategy (in Renaissance Italy)

 I felt an update was in order after I accused Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood of failing at its multiplayer component... After spending some more time with it (I've leveled up to 22, I think.), I have to say this is one of my favorite multiplayer experiences of all time. Yes, the matchmaking is, at times, terribly broken. And yes, there is the occasional Timmy who just sprints around getting as many cheap 100-point kills as he can. But those are all exceptions. It seems that most of the time it is good. And when it is good, it is really, really good.



Shared on Mon, 11/22/2010 - 07:42

AC: Brotherhood multiplayer - Fail?

 Alright, I'm looking for the opinions of folks who have actually logged hours playing the multiplayer component of the new Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood game. What I'm trying to determine is whether the multiplayer component is actually working how it was intended.

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